
Letters to the Editor

Power crisis in Marinduque

The Philippine Star

I am reaching out to you with a sense of urgency regarding the ongoing power crisis in Marinduque, stemming from the broken power barge operated by the National Power Corporation (Napocor). Since December 2023, our community has been enduring relentless power outages, stretching from eight to 12 hours each time, and in some areas, the situation has escalated to a distressing extent, with up to three days without any electricity.

Marinduque Electric Cooperative (MARELCO) and Napocor have resorted to a staggering pattern of three to four times on-and-off power interruptions daily in their efforts to manage the situation. However, this erratic supply pattern not only disrupts daily life but also poses significant risks to our health, economy and education.

The fluctuating power supply elevates the chances of voltage surges and fluctuations, which can wreak havoc on electronic devices, appliances and overall electrical infrastructure. Furthermore, the absence of a consistent power source puts essential services, particularly health care facilities, at risk, endangering the lives of the most vulnerable members of our community.

This crisis also bears heavy economic repercussions, as businesses suffer losses due to interrupted operations and damaged equipment. Additionally, students face hindrances in accessing online learning resources, deepening educational disparities.

It is imperative that immediate action be taken to address this dire situation. We implore Napocor and MARELCO to expedite the repair of the broken power barge and implement measures to ensure a stable and reliable power supply to Marinduque.

We humbly ask you to publicize this issue to raise awareness among government officials and prompt them to act. We believe that meaningful action will only occur if a major news network like yours highlights this crisis in their coverage.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing matter. We eagerly await your response and commitment to help us resolve this crisis. – Kaye Harris.Salvacion, Public school teacher/Dawis, Gasan, Marinduque

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