
Letters to the Editor

Upholding Phl sovereignty

The Philippine Star

Asserting the Philippines’ sovereignty is essential for maintaining its independence and autonomy as a nation. This includes protecting its territorial integrity, enforcing its laws and safeguarding its interests against any encroachment or violation by other countries. Upholding the Philippines’ sovereignty requires diplomacy, international cooperation and adherence to international law.

What a rude country they are. They should be condemned to never again enter the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines. They have violated many Philippine laws. The Philippines will not pass it.

China’s flagrant disregard for the Republic of the Philippines’ laws will not be tolerated by the Philippines, such as China’s release of the recording that violated the law of the Republic of the Philippines. The anti-wiretapping law is not allowed in our country; it is inhumane to the country.

The Philippines consistently denied the allegations that they have any secret agreements with China, such as the rumored “gentleman’s agreement” of the former administration.

The Philippines will stand firm that they will not give up the West Philippine Sea, confident that the territory belongs to our country.

The Philippines has the right to enforce its sovereignty within its exclusive economic zone (EEZ), as outlined by international law. It’s important to uphold maritime boundaries to ensure territorial integrity and protect national interests. – Ceddie Carlos, [email protected]

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