Letters to the Editor | Philstar.com
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Feb 08 (4 days ago)
I am writing to formally address and request a correction regarding a false statement attributed to Rep. Lordan Suan in Jarius Bondoc’s Feb. 7 column titled, “Pork barrels needed to convict VP Sara.”
Letters to the Editor
Jan 21 (3 weeks ago)
It's very apt that news about teaching sex education to young children is the headline of newspapers near the Feast Day of the Santo Nino on January 19, 2025. This is a clear message to lawmakers to respect divine law that is above human law.
Letters to the Editor
Jan 07 (1 month ago)
Much has been said and written about the 2025 national budget, but none of the relevant questions have been answered.
Letters to the Editor
Dec 21 (1 month ago)
The more I read reports about the 2025 budget, the more angry I become.
Letters to the Editor
Dec 14 (2 months ago)
The headline “Laws signed for evacuation sites, deferred student loan fees” (Dec. 7, 2024) highlights the importance of policies that curate efforts to “address the long-standing issue of schools being used as evacuation centers” and “allows the disaster-affected students and their families to have a breathing space as they recuperate and rebuild their lives.
Letters to the Editor