Thank you to our C-130 pilots

We are very fortunate that our family in Ormoc City were able to avail of the C-130 and fly safely to Manila after the storm.  My parents and sisters were one of those who were ferried to Manila together with other survivors of typhoon Yolanda.  And although Ormoc was not as hard-hit, my family has no more home to go to, for quite sometime, as their house was totally destroyed and their small business gone.

They say that the  C-130 was fully packed but the passengers were happy because together, they all survived, and the pilots and the soldiers who had helped them were so kind and accommodating they will never forget the experience.  My family is now safe in our home here in Novaliches, and though we have to adjust living with added family members, these are realities we have to face.  And as long as they are all alive and well, we are all happy sharing what little we have among them.

Again, we thank the government, the military and the C-130 pilots who continue to serve our people.  We pray for their safety and may they continue their good work. –  Dante S. Luminado, Novaliches, QC


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