No divorcee haven promo

This is to state categorically that the Department of Tourism has never developed nor has any plans of developing programs that promote the Philippines as a Divorcee haven. This is in connection with an article that came out in the Philippine STAR last Nov. 28, 2011 entitled, “Philippines eyed as divorcee haven.”

During my presentation to the Retirement and Healthcare Coalition last Nov. 23, 2011 at the Hotel Intercontinental, I focused on the promotions of the country as a long-stay visitor and retirement destination, the general profile of which includes such groups as pensioners, semi-retired businessmen, overwintering couples, medical tourists, overseas Filipinos/Balikbayans and individuals in search of personal fulfillment with regard to advocacy or partnership. Casual reference was made to divorced couples looking for a fresh start, but no mention was made that the Department specifically targets these individuals for tourism.

I will be happy to share with you a copy of my presentation to correct misimpressions that have been created by statements I may have made but taken totally out of context.

Thank you for the opportunity to clarify my position on this matter.

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