Cochise-Beebom killers' sentence commutation condemned

Joint statement of the UP Upsilon Sigma Phi and the Upsilon Sigma Phi Alumni Association, Inc.

MANILA, Philippines - We, the members of the UP Upsilon Sigma Phi and the Upsilon Sigma Phi Alumni Association, Inc. condemn in the strongest possible terms the commutation of the sentence of Rodolfo “Rudy” Manalili, the murderer of our dear fraternity brother Ernesto “Cochise” Bernabe II and his girlfriend Ana Lourdes “Beebom” Castanos.

As law abiding citizens and taxpayers of this country, we are appalled at the utter disregard by Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of the rule of law and our time-honored system of justice.

Manalili and those convicted with him — Roberto Lising, Robin Manga, Enrico Dizon and Filemon Garcia slaughtered Cochise as if he were an animal, and then raped and slaughtered Beebom as well. Cutting short Manalili’s double life sentence for the kidnapping and murder of Cochise and Beebom will allow him to roam the streets within the next three years, thus exposing to serious danger the lives of the witnesses who testified against him.

The decision penned by then Quezon City trial judge Tirso Velasco stated that the crime Manalili et al committed was so heinous that he (Velasco) would have sentenced them to death had the death penalty been in place at that time. To the relatives of Cochise and Beebom, and to the public at large, the double life sentence was lean enough. Comes now President Arroyo who, probably having been misled by officials of the Board of Pardons and Parole, lessens the penalty to a ridiculous pittance of time in prison.

Based on the presidential prerogative, which we believe was grossly abused, Manalili may be out in three to eight years time, too soon for those who testified against him or had anything to do with his prosecution. Was it because Manalili is from Pampanga, where President Arroyo hails? Was it because Manalili’s family is moneyed and the 2010 elections are near? Is the commutation of Manalili’s sentence connected with the commutations of the sentences of other rich heinous crime convicts like Claudio Teehankee Jr. or wealthy child rapist Romeo Jalosjos? Who will the President free next — Mayor Sanchez?

We therefore appeal to President Arroyo to reconsider this travesty of justice. Setting free criminals like Manalili and his ilk sends a chilling message to law abiding citizens of this country — we can never feel safe — and gives hope to the criminals of this country — go ahead, commit a heinous crime, and get away with it. But if you do get caught — don’t worry… you can always get executive clemency for as long as you know people in the Board of Pardons and Parole and Malacañang. — JR DELA CRUZ; JACINTO S. PUNO, Illustrious Fellow, UP Upsilon Sigma Phi-Diliman; JUPITER NUNEZ, Illustrious Fellow, UP Upsilon Sigma Phi-Los Banos, President, Upsilon Sigma Phi Alumni Association, Inc.; NOEL CRUZ, President, Upsilon Sigma Phi-North America

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