Indigenous peoples’ role in peace talks

It is good that the MILF panel negotiating peace with the government has finally given their imprimatur to retired Gen. Rodolfo Garcia as RP chief negotiator. They have expressed their trust on the general who had been involved in the peace process and knowledgeable of the problems besetting the conflict areas in the region.

We hope that the peace process will move on and tackle the remaining contentious issues that had stalemated the talks. A number of development projects in Mindanao were put on hold because of the protracted talks which had been delayed due to a wide range of demands by the separatist elements.

The most critical among the contentious items is the issue of ancestral domain.  The Moro Islamic Liberation Front had refused to be under the aegis of an existing Indigenous People Rights Act which clearly defines the terms and conditions of ancestral domains. Instead they ask for the expansion of their territories with another 600 barangays. This issue has triggered restiveness among the indigenous peoples and the tribal leaders already showed their concern about the possible inclusion of their domains in the areas demanded by the MILF.

This is causing another flash point in Mindanao. The IPs are happy with the IPRA and already thousands of hectares had been declared in their favor under this law. Their restiveness cannot be dismissed with just a sleight of the hand considering the fact that the IPs predate the existence of other tribes and pioneers in Mindanao. They too are greater in number than the Muslims in Mindanao. Their interest and concern over the progress of the peace talks cannot be ignored.

It will be a rational thing to do if both the MILF and the RP negotiating panels consult the IPs on the matter of ancestral domain. Otherwise the MILF should make it clear that their demand for expanded territory should not intrude to areas already declared as ancestral domain of the IPs. Then, the talks can proceed. — MIRIAM DAHUNOG, Cotabato City

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