Your child could become a super achiever says education group founder

MANILA, Philippines - A Filipino-Chinese life coach to young student achievers in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand will give free workshops to Filipino parents on how to raise “great” and success-driven children.

Cherry Pua-Africa, a Filipino-Chinese expatriate living in Singapore and Malaysia and founder of the Never Ending Story education group based in Singapore, will give a free four-day parenting workshop entitled “How to Start Your Child With the Proven Success System of 10,000 Hours of Passion, Persistence and Practice to Become a Superstar Achiever” from Feb. 18 to 21, in four different schools in Metro Manila.

The first day of the workshop will be held at Xavier/ICA in Greenhills, San Juan on Feb. 18, 2010 at 8 a.m., St. Scholastica-Westgrove at 9 a.m. on Feb. 19; St. Jude Catholic School in Manila, 8 a.m. on Feb. 20; and Colegio de San Agustin, 9 a.m. on Feb. 21.

Fanny Ong of ProBiz Consulting, said that the free workshops should be seized by Filipino parents wanting to raise smarter children.

“Workshops like these cost an average of S$200 for half a day, but Cherry promises that it is absolutely free,” Ong, who partners with Africa in sending her “World Stage Superstar Achievers’ Program to the Philippines every year every summer.

Ong said that the free four-day workshops to be given by Africa was “her way of giving back to the country” since she was born and spent her early years in the Philippines. She said that Africa founded her Never Ending Story group with the vision of inspiring greatness among today’s youth.

Inspired by her own children, and seeing the educational standards in Singapore, she strove to find the secret in pushing kids to the edge of greatness. Her vision is to unleash the extra one percent of courage and greatness that will push a child from ordinary to extraordinary,” Ong said. 

This strategy, Ong said, was the key factor that propelled teens like Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Mark Zuckerberg, founders of Google and Facebook to extraordinary success.   — Rainier Allan Ronda

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