Reversing the sharp declines in student enrolment

MANILA, Philippines - “Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing”, sang Peter, Paul and Mary. Today, college presidents and deans are singing “Where have all the students gone”. Many private universities have seen enrollment drop by as much as 50 percent for the school year 2009/10.

What options are open to these colleges and universities to remain operational?

College education is now filling a different role in Philippine society. Previously women’s catholic colleges were a place where young ladies were educated to become good mothers and housewives, and boys who went to “name” colleges knew that a good job awaited them after graduation. College was a time of leisure, fun, sport and building up a social network. Today it seems to be all about which course and which college will land you a job when you finish……. Ah, maybe this has struck a chord.

Here is the formula of the colleges and universities that are still growing even through the economic crisis:

Quality – Quality applies to facilities, faculty, student life style and career opportunities.

Relevance – There is a need for top management to always be looking five years ahead to plan for the future.

Student learning focused – Students must be involved in the whole learning process.

Employment oriented – If your school cannot boast a great post-graduation employment record, in a variety of interesting career areas here and abroad, you have lost your competitive edge.

Student centered – your students are your clients.

Being seen out there – Even academic programs need to be developed in close cooperation with the marketing team, who should hear, know and understand student wants and expectations.

On the marketing side, one brilliant opportunity for colleges this year is the 21st Career Guidance and Counseling Fair, organized as always by Inter-Ed. When I realized that a counseling table at the event is just P30,000 (and this event is at the SMX!) for a college, and that 10,000+ high school juniors and seniors will be attending over two days through field trips organized by their schools, and all of them are looking for the institution that meets their needs, you would be crazy not to show off your college and university and get your top Guidance Counselors out there to talk to these kids. Organize on-the-spot enrolment – one student will have covered double your costs. Go for broke, try to enroll 10 students! Some institutions enroll 100s! September 17 & 18 are the dates. Inter-Ed is the organization (intl_edu_specialists@pldt; 8191001; 0928-2708527) to contact. Realizing that 10,000 high school students are all looking for the “right course and college” for next year and need to talk you, is a much better alternative to complaining about dropping student numbers.

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