Give me a hand

Let Your hand become my help.— Psalm 119:173

Recently I was fishing with some friends and waded into a current that was too strong for my old legs. I should have known better; it’s a well-known fact that you can wade into flows that you can’t back out of.

I got that panicky feeling you get when you realize you’re in deep trouble. One more step and I would have been swept away.

I did the only thing I could think of: I called out to a friend nearby who is younger and stronger than I. “Hey, Pete!” I shouted. “Give me a hand, will you?” My friend waded into the current, reached out his strong hand, and pulled me into quiet water.

A few days later as I read Psalm 119, I came across verse 173: “Let Your hand become my help.” I thought of that day on the stream and other days when I have “waded” into difficult situations, overestimating my feeble abilities and putting myself or my loved ones in jeopardy. Perhaps you find yourself in that place today.

There is help nearby, a Friend much stronger than you and I — one whose hand can hold us (Ps. 139:10). The psalmist also says of Him, “You have a mighty arm; strong is Your hand” (89:13). You can call out to God: “Give me a hand!” and He will rush to your side.— David Roper

Fear not, I am with thee — O be not dismayed,

For I am thy God, I will still give thee aid;

I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,

Upheld by My gracious, omnipotent hand.— Anon.

READ: Psalm 139:7-12

When adversity strikes us, God is ready to strengthen us.

The Bible in one year:

• 2 Chronicles 30-31

• John 18:1-18

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