Cave man

Attend to my cry, for I am brought very low. – Psalm 142:6

David was stuck in a cave (Psalm 142). Some Bible commentators think this was when he was running from King Saul, who wanted to kill him (1 Samuel 22:1). Trouble and troublemakers hounded him. Hemmed in by his circumstances and smothered by danger, he turned to God for help.

• David was frightened, so he poured out his complaint to God (v.2).

• He felt alone and uncared for, so he cried out to God (vv.1, 4-5).

• His situation was desperate, so he pleaded for rescue (v.6).

• David was trapped, so he begged for freedom (v.7).

What cave surrounds you today? A cave of despair brought on by grief or illness? A cave of difficulties caused by your own poor decisions? Are you stuck in a cave of questions or doubts that rob you of joy and confidence?

Here’s what David did when he was trapped in his cave: He asked God for mercy, he sought refuge in Him, and he promised to use his eventual freedom as a way to praise God. In the end, he looked forward to the comfort of fellow believers.

Complaint followed by faith. Desperation followed by praise. Loneliness followed by fellowship. We can learn a lot from a cave man. – Dave Branon

When we experience suffering,

God’s comfort will abound;

For tribulations teach us where

True comfort can be found. – Sper

READ: Psalm 142

In every desert of calamity, God has an oasis of comfort.

The Bible in one year:

Hosea 12-14

Revelation 4

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