Finding security

You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. Psalm 59:16

After a man shot and killed two people at Los Angeles International Airport in 2002, some began insisting that armed guards be placed at every check-in area. Others said that individuals should be screened before entering an airport terminal. But a consultant on airport security said, "If you move the checkpoint, all you’re going to do is push the problem to another part of the airport. There will always be a public area that is vulnerable to these kind of attacks."

In a world where violence and terrorism may strike anytime, anyplace, where can we find security? Where can we be safe?

The Bible says that our security is not in human protection but in God Himself. The book of Psalms contains more than 40 references to taking refuge in the Lord, many of them from David’s experience of being pursued by his enemies, In his prayers for help, he centered his hope in the Lord: "You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; for God is my defense, my God of mercy" (PSALM 59:16-17).

God doesn’t guarantee to protect us from difficulty and physical harm, but He does promise to be our refuge in every situation. In Him we find real security. – David C. Mccasland

Though danger lurks on every side,

In Christ our Lord we will abide;

Our God is strong, our hope is sure –

In Him alone we are secure! – Fitzhugh


No one is more secure than the one who rests in God’s hands.

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