A good name

The memory of the righteous is blessed, but the name of the wicked will rot. – Proverbs 10:7

On Memorial Day in the United States, thousands of people visit cemeteries and monuments to remember and honor their loved ones. They ponder a name carved n stone and recall the person for whom it stands.

This kind of reflection on the lives of those who have gone before us can encourage us to evaluate the way we are living today. When people hear our name, do they think of someone who is faithfully living for Christ?

King Solomon observed: "The memory of the righteous is blessed" (PROVERBS 10:7). "A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches" (22:1). "A good name is better than precious ointment" (ECCLESIASTES 7:1).

A solid reputation and loving relationships are high achievements. Honesty, integrity, and generosity in life are more valuable than the most expensive funeral. Perfume fades, but the aroma of our lives lingers on.

By our attitudes and actions, we are creating the memories that will be associated with our names in life and in death. Today we have an opportunity to renew our commitment to Christ and to the making of a good name – a name that honors Him and encourages those we love for years to come.

Do you have a good name? – David C. Mccasland

This is the wish I always make,

The prayer I always pray;

Lord, may my life help other lives

It touches by the way. – Anon.


The memory of a faithful life speaks more eloquently than words.

The Bible in one year:

• PSALMS 1-4

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