Just tell the story

Those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the Word. – Acts 8:4

The main character in the movie Up Close And Personal is a TV newsman who dies trying to get a story in one of the world’s trouble spots. After his death, he is remembered for saying, "I once thought reporting was about glory. But I’m here for only one reason – to tell the story."

In ACTS 8, we read that Jerusalem’s Christians were scattered abroad to escape persecution. Everywhere they went, they preached the message of Christ (v. 4). Saul, their persecutor, was later converted and became an apostle. Toward the end of his life, Saul, also known as Paul, decided to go Jerusalem, where he knew he would be persecuted. But he remained undeterred, declaring that his purpose was "to testify to the gospel of the grace of God" (ACTS 20:24).

God still calls people to tell the good news of Jesus to those who don’t know Him. In his book The Conversion of The Church, Samuel Shoemaker states, "The demand is human heart-hunger. The supply is the grace of God. We are only distributors." But we don’t work alone or with mere human energy. God is working in us (PHILIPPIANS 2:13).

When witnessing for Christ, may it be with love and humility – motivated by a desire for His glory, not our own. We’re just here to tell the story. – Joanie E. Yoder

I love to tell the story,

For some have never heard

The message of salvation

From God’s own holy Word. – Hankey

READ: ACTS 7:59-8:8

God has left us in the world to witness to the world.

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