‘Where’s the piccolo?’

There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many? – John 6:9

At certain times in life we may feel insignificant and useless. Surrounded by people with greater talent than ours, we are tempted in our weak moments just to settle back and let somebody else do the work. We reason that what we have to offer won’t make much difference anyway.

We forget the truth suggested by our Lord’s use of five loaves and two small fish to feed a multitude (John 6:1-14). Each of us has something important to offer in His service.

Sir Michael Costa was conducting a rehearsal in which the orchestra was joined by a great chorus. About halfway through the session, with trumpets blaring, drums rolling, and violins singing their rich melody, the piccolo player muttered to himself, "What good am I doing? I might just as well not be playing. Nobody can hear me anyway." So he kept the instrument to his mouth, but he made no sound. Within moments, the conductor cried, "Stop! Stop! Where’s the piccolo?" It was missed by the ear of the most important person of all.

It’s much the same way with the use of our abilities for the Lord. Whether our talent is great or small, the performance isn’t complete until we do our best with what we have.


The Master needs what you have to offer,

No matter if you think it’s small;

His work on earth is done through His children,

So give Him your best, give your all. – Hess

READ: John 6:1-14

In God’s eyes it is a great thing

to do a little thing well.

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