

Unfazed by leadership change

VERBAL VARIETY - Annie Perez - The Freeman

The Cebu City government has asserted that it is not affected by the potential change in leadership at the Department of Education in the coming days. Last week, Vice President Sara Duterte Carpio tendered her resignation as the secretary of the department as well as her position at the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict. It was a shock that the promise of unity to elevate the country was let down.

During a press conference, Garcia stated that they have already made sufficient preparations for the national sporting event. In fact, they are even preparing for a possible visit by Carpio since she will quit on July 19. This is under the assumption there will be no immediate replacement from the Palace before that date. If Carpio decides to attend DepEd-related events in Cebu, all eyes will be on us. Eyebrows will also be raised. Carpio's presence in Cebu carries significant weight in national politics. Winning the hearts of Cebuanos and its leaders will hold great importance for the 2025 elections.

While the Palarong Pambansa is primarily a sporting event, it also presents an opportunity to step into the spotlight. It can convey a message through actions, as it is a national event. It can demonstrate resilience, showing that we are unfazed by the many issues our leaders face. I can only hope that the lead organizers' efforts will not be in vain. Both the city and the department have worked diligently to prepare for this memorable sporting event, even amidst the suspension of the city's mayor.

Cebu will also host several other events by the DepEd, such as the National Festival of Talents and the National Schools Press Conference. We are expected to accommodate teachers, school officials, and the students themselves. It is an opportunity for us to showcase ourselves to this sector, demonstrating that we are one of the best metropolitan areas in the country.

I also hope that the true essence of these activities is realized. Participation in national competitions like these has always fostered camaraderie among students from different regions, building networks that could prove useful in the future. As a former student participant in these events, I can say they were unforgettable moments.

The Department of Education is one of the most crucial departments in our country, responsible for shaping the next generation. With the absence of a new leader for the time being, its officials must remain committed to their responsibility of nurturing our youth. These challenges must not hinder their preparations for the upcoming school year. There is much to be done in terms of improving our students' literacy, fostering creative thinking, and enhancing their overall academic performance. Alongside curriculum reforms, there must be a genuine commitment to serving young Filipinos wholeheartedly.

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