Caviteño Lacson placed only 3rd in home province, 4th in hometown

Cavite is Panfilo Lacson’s bailiwick. He always topped elections in his birth province whenever he ran for a national position. Gunning for president in 2004, he handily beat incumbent Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and matinee idol Fernando Poe Jr. Caviteños made him No. 1 in the senatorial races of 2001, 2007 and 2016.

The incredible happened in the 2022 presidential election. The 18-year senator Lacson landed only third in his own province.

Worse, he was only fourth in Imus town where he was born.

Following are the latest analyses by ex-DICT secretary Eliseo Rio of Election 2022 fraud. He continues to expose the apparent result fabrication as Comelec keeps unexplainedly silent. Note, says Rio:

• Cavite had 3,371 precincts; 95.5 percent of results came from just one Private IP Address Same with Metro Manila’s 10,463 precincts, 99 percent of which also came from IP

• The highest vote Lacson got in any Cavite precinct was only 225, while Marcos of faraway Ilocos Norte got 600. This is already highly irregular. One would expect that Lacson must have a single precinct, out of 3,371, where he should have gotten higher votes than Marcos’ 600 – especially in his Imus hometown.

• Lacson got only exactly 20 votes in each of 137 Cavite precincts. Every precinct has 200-800 voters. (Regionalistic like most Filipinos, Caviteños carry homegrown candidates. More so Imus, with 224,081 registered voters, from where most Cavite governors hailed.)

• Votes for each of ten presidential candidates show a statistically impossible pattern. All of them, other than the winner, have a peculiar sequence of votes per precinct. There’s a perfect sequence of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on, up to the highest number of votes that a candidate got in a precinct. (

• This phenomenon was also seen in the National Capital Region precinct results. (

• This can only happen if and when the votes of all the losing candidates were shaved by the millions and given to the winner.

• This was done via preprogrammed SD (secure digital) cards of vote counting machines and a man-in-the-middle device with IP

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Rio posts on Facebook:

“Comelec always says PPCRV’s parallel count and Namfrel/Lente’s random manual audit show 99-percent accuracy of election results. But both watchdogs based their findings only on what Comelec made available to them. They didn’t have any independent means to validate it.

“PPCRV merely counted results printed by VCMs, without ascertaining whether this reflected the votes in actual ballots. In fact some PPCRV volunteers questioned this, and resigned when disallowed to at least get some independent data from the Voters Verified Paper Audit Trail. PPCRV merely said this is not its responsibility.

“Namfrel’s RMA was supposed to take care of that. But Namfrel can’t assure that the integrity of the ballots selected from different regions were not compromised when transported to Manila. In fact there were ballots thrown by the wayside in Cavite en route to Manila, which was never investigated. Also, in some precincts, video clips showed ballots being destroyed and others being filled up by unknown persons.”

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Rio, with ex-Comelec commissioner Gus Lagman and FINEX president Franklin Ysaac, comprise the Truth and Transparency Trio that is questioning Election 2022 irregularities.

“Comelec in an en banc challenged us to open any ballot boxes of our choice. Ballots will be manually counted and compared with the official transmitted results,” Rio says. “We have officially communicated our choice last January, repeated in February 2024.”

They have picked 30 ballot boxes in Sto. Tomas, Batangas, an hour’s drive from Comelec’s Manila head office. The four mayoral candidates there got identical number 153 precincts (

But the poll body has been reneging on its word, Rio said: “Until now it has not responded to our request. This forced us in April to file a mandamus petition in the Supreme Court, to order Comelec to comply with its own resolution. What is Comelec hiding from the public?”

Rio, former Armed Forces electronic communications commander, is gaining more and more adherence, including fellow generals. They cite election cheating among the worst political ills, alongside corruption.

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