Cling to hope

Welcome 2024 with brimming optimism and tenacious hope!
We live in very interesting, challenging, constantly evolving times. The swirling, catastrophic wars in Ukraine and Israel/Gaza are gravely gripping the entire world… for it spells far-reaching disastrous effects now and in years to come.
The despicable situation and uncertainty of the future cannot but touch our hearts to the core, and cause worry.
During these uncertain/turbulent times, we need courage, a basic life quality, to build up spirt in crises. Dogged courage will help us keep going, as the going becomes harder, tougher.
Though keeping a courageous spirit is much easier said than done, our only alternative is to keep faith, relentlessly pray that these intense, violent conflicts end soonest… and take cover in our unwavering faith.
Tenaciously cling to HOPE! There is everything to gain in it. The degree of our coping-up ability hinges on the intensity of our hope. For hope produces a tremendous strength of its own that could generate possibilities and opportunities. Hope springs eternal!
Let’s pray this New Year’s horizon will spring pleasant surprises, that lasting peace finally reigns in this troubled, weary world of ours.
For us all, and the whole world…. A healthy, happy, peaceful, prosperous New Year!
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