Israel under pressure from allies over Gaza
The United Nations, whose charter, article 80, states that what was promised the Jews by the League of Nations in 1922 cannot be taken away, even after the cessation of the British mandate. It affirms that all of Mandatory Palestine is the reconstituted homeland of the Jewish people.
The United Nations is a bully pulpit for the dictatorships that dominate it. It functions as a popularity contest rather than an honorable, legal, and contemplative forum.
There are 15,000,000 Jews in the world and 1,500,000,000 Muslims. The UN has one Jewish member and 56 Islamic ones. The Islamic states can rely on the Russian block to back anything they propose against Israel.
It was the Soviet KGB who invented the Palestinian issue in 1964 as a propaganda tool to combat American influence in the Middle East. They simply called Israel ‘Palestine’ and all the non-Jews living there ‘Palestinians’.
The UN is systemically anti-Semitic. It did not condemn Hamas for the October 7 slaughter of innocents in southern Israel. Their silence was acquiescence and foretold the celebrations and mass demonstrations by Islamists all over the world.
Canada’s immigration policy has opened our borders to Muslims. There are now 20 Muslims for every Jew in the country. They form a powerful voting lobby and are the major factor in the anti-Semitism rampant in academia. The Universities of Toronto and McGill are listed in the Algemeiner report as the third and fourth worst universities in North America for Jewish students.
A vote at the UN for a ceasefire is permission for Hamas to repeat October 7 “over and over again” as their leaders have proclaimed.
If Hamas survives, terrorists the world over will know they are on the right track.
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