Live life fully, gratefully

Life, oftentimes, is referred to as a rat race, a journey on the fast lane with many things fast-tracked: fast food, fast cars, fast relationships. So fast that we run through life forgetting where we had been, where we are headed.
Life is not a race! It’s a journey to enjoy as we take steps on our chosen path. To explore new opportunities to make us healthy, happy, productive. To strive and make our passage in this world truly significant. To approach obstacles, difficulties that crop up along the way as challenges… life’s colorful spices that shape and strengthen us.
Life is a balancing act. It takes us through a rugged and smooth ride, makes us experience moments of blissful joy and utter sadness, dishing out tastes of the beautiful and ugly.
God made this world beautiful, bountiful, but we are caught up in the mundane, seemingly endless multi-tasks such that we overlook the beauty and bounty. Worse, we neglect to appreciate, nurture them.
Our journey is not forever! Make every day count. Live it fully, gratefully. Have moments in time… not simply moments in the day.
Peace, good health, safety, abundance to us all!
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