‘Presidentiables,’ please unite, save us from Communist China

A re-electionist governor in North Luzon invites not only illicit China black sand extractors but also its military to his province. A congresswoman wannabe in Quezon City is an exec of Chinese fly-by-nights that made a killing from pricey pandemic supplies. Her spouse is the business partner of a Chinese state agent exposed by the Senate. Allied with her is the mayoral bet who unconstitutionally granted gold mines to a Chinese in 2005.

They’re in the ticket of a presidential aspirant very close to the China Communist Party, thus unwilling to defend the West Philippine Sea. The VP running mate wants continued acquiescence to the bully.

Supporting them is a former leader who attempted a $200-million kickback from a Chinese contract, and is now running for Congress. As well as two senatorial candidates who lawyered for China while in Malacañang.

The CCP needs stooges in national and local office. Dominance over the Philippine government is vital to its expansionism. Communist China plots to retake Taiwan within this decade. “Concluding” the Chinese civil war a century after it began in 1928 would be the godless CCP’s crowning glory. To achieve that, the CCP must make Manila deny access to allies who can thwart a Taiwan invasion. A bonus would be People’s Liberation Army control of Subic Bay, Poro Point and Fuga Island, among others, only a few hundred kilometers from Taiwan.

As ASEAN’s outermost boundary in the Pacific, the Philippines is strategic. Unveiled in 1989 is the PLA-Navy’s First and Second Island Chains of Defense. The First is a virtual Great Wall at sea stretching from southern Japan to the west of Taiwan, Luzon, Palawan and Tawi-Tawi. The Second encompasses waters east of Taiwan and the Philippines. Those are why Beijing baselessly claims the entire South China Sea including the WPS. Also its recent incursions in Benham Rise, part of the East Philippine Sea, reported by the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency.

Putting up “Manchurian Candidates” is a global ploy. Through Chinese businessmen, the CCP channels funds to politicians and parties in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, the Americas, Europe and Africa. Recently exposed were parliamentarians in Australia and New Zealand and two gubernatorial candidates in the US. Chinese law obligates its firms and citizens to participate in, but keep secret, CCP overseas spying and propaganda, including disinformation trolls.

CCP influencing of Philippine officialdom is not new. In 2005, Beijing lent $4 billion. For whatever projects and kickbacks did not matter, so long as the loan was repaid with interest. Thus were concocted the NorthRail and National Broadband Network-ZTE scams.

CCP funding of Filipino “Ma-Chings” is cheap. P1 billion in illicit campaign contribution is only $20 million. A drop in the bucket of the $840,000,000 (P42 billion) the Chinese state agent, Pharmally and other Chinese suppliers took from the Philippine pandemic fund. Not to forget, overpriced Chinese vaccines.

The CCP is tightening its grip. Already, Malacañang allows unlimited Chinese poaching in the WPS, under a “verbal agreement” with President Xi Jinping. It set aside Manila’s victory in the Permanent Court of Arbitration that illegalized China’s occupation of Scarborough Shoal and seven reefs. It forbade the Armed Forces from joint patrols with allies in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. “Make us a province of China,” it even crassly joked. Bowing to Chinese wishes, legislators now allow full foreign ownership of telecoms, railways and airlines. Governors license Chinese to mine and ship out nickel ore.

Election of “Ma-Chings” would complete the Philippines’ surrender. They will cancel the procurement of modern air and sea patrol craft, military communications and surveillance gear, and missiles. To justify full withdrawal of naval and air defenses, they will feign concern for the lives of Filipino sailors and airmen. That will further embolden Chinese warships to aim gun control directors at Philippine patrols. Ram wooden Filipino fishing craft with Chinese maritime militia steel trawlers. Swarm Philippine reefs. Trespass internal waters. Steal oil and gas in Malampaya and Recto Bank. Grab five mineral-rich features in Benham by virtue of being first to explore and name those – without Philippine permission.

Worst, the “Ma-Chings” will intensify imports of fish, poultry, meat, grains, feeds, vegetables and fruits from China. That will devastate agriculture.

Together, the nine non-administration presidential and eight VP aspirants can avert subjugation. By uniting, they can defeat China’s candidates.

This is their chance for greatness. The Republic is on the brink of disintegration into fiefdoms of Communist China. Patriotic duty should override personal ambition. Or else, they will go down in history as the 17 who repeated its mistake – selfish disunity in the face of American annexation in 1898 and Japanese invasion in 1941.

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