

Etta Rosales! Ma'm, it was a massacre!

SHOOTING STRAIGHT - Bobit S. Avila - The Freeman

So far, we've never heard of any apology coming from Pres. Benigno Aquino III although an "apology" was pushed by PNoy loyal supporter Sen. Grace Poe Llamanzares and former Pres. Fidel V. Ramos. Frankly speaking, I don't expect the President to make a public apology for the simple reason that he has a mental block on anything wrong that he does, wherein it is natural for him to blame anyone and everyone, except himself. We have learned to live with this mentality in the last five years.

What I really hate is when the yellow supporters of this President would use all means to twist words just to make things right for PNoy. For instance, Department of Justice Secretary Leila de Lima insisted that there is no chain of command in the Philippine National Police  because it is civilian in character. She conveniently forgot that even in the private sector there is a chain of command especially when you look at the organizational charts where it clearly depicts who is above your position and who is below you. That's what is called "chain of command." Surely even the Boy and Girl Scouts have a chain of command. So who is Sec. De Lima trying to fool?

But this is what the Aquino Presidency has embraced under that slogan called "Daan Matuwid" where right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right. The latest in this misuse of words has been elevated to new heights when Commission on Human Rights Etta Rosales said that there was no massacre in Mamasapano. On the other side of the coin, we have Sen. Grace Poe who insisted that it was a massacre. Well, all you need to do is ask the man on the street what he thought of that Jan. 25th debacle and I assure you he would insist that it was a massacre!

This is the problem of the country today under the Daan Matuwid slogan of PNoy and his yellow brigade. Constitutional bodies, which were created and designed to be fully independent of any branch of the Philippine government, have openly sided with this President. Just a few examples are the Commission on Audit during the impeachment trial of CJ Corona, the Commission on Elections, and now the CHR. This is why the Philippines today has become a failed state because there are no more checks and balances that assure the Filipino people of good governance. Everyone kowtows to the Yellow ribbon, which PNoy proudly wears on his chest, instead of the Philippine Flag.

Worse of all, the Aquino Regime is still hell-bent on pushing for the Bangsamoro Basic law even if the ordinary man on the street strongly believes that this would dismember the Philippines. What I truly hate is when true-blue yellow-hearted supporters of this President would warn the Filipino people of dire consequences if the BBL was not passed. Former Comelec Chairman Christian Monsod warned the Filipino people of a possible war if they would try to derail the creation of the BBL, as it is a great opportunity to make real peace in Mindanao.

People like Christian Monsod should keep his mouth shut and stop scaring people into approving a law that is against their will and their consciences. We all want peace in Mindanao but we must look at all angles like, for instance, why wasn't the Moro National Liberation Front  allowed to sit down in the peace talks. It was the MNLF that signed the so-called "Tripoli Agreement." So why have they been discarded by the Aquino Regime? Above all, many Filipinos now know why Malaysia is hell-bent on pushing the BBL because it would assure it that the Philippine claim of sovereignty in Sabah would be dropped by the Aquino Regime.

In my book, for as long as the Sabah claim is not settled in the International Court, we will never see peace in Mindanao, especially in the areas where the Muslims are a majority. But then if we have a peace agreement with any Muslim group in Mindanao, there can still be no peace because of the Communist Party of the Philippines  and its bloodthirsty armed group called the New People's Army. So Mr. Monsod should not try to scare people into agreeing in the BBL because it is no guarantee that peace would reign in Mindanao. 

Just a couple of days ago, there was a near skirmish between elements of the PNP and the MILF in Sultan Kudarat. This is due to the reality today that armed elements that do not belong to the Armed Forces of the Philippines continue to roam the countryside in many parts of Mindanao. Why aren't these people being disarmed is something that Pres. Aquino is answerable.

In Singapore, when someone spits on the floor or puts a chewing gum under the seat, that person is fined S$300. In this country, legitimate firearm holders are penalized if they are caught bringing their firearms outside their homes. But there are no laws against terrorists. What a sick country!

[email protected].

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