

Are SWS surveys credible? Hmmmm

SHOOTING STRAIGHT - Bobit S. Avila - The Freeman

The latest Social Weather Station survey says that the popularity of Pres. Benigno Aquino III has improved. That should be good for PNoy but unfortunately the credibility of SWS hasn't yet improved. It is still considered part and parcel of the Aquino propaganda machinery and therefore those claims cannot be verified. For instance, who asked (and paid) for this latest survey asking whether the popularity of  PNoy has improved or not? SWS will never tell us who paid for this.

Let's find out whether the Aquino Regime has been doing something right that his image according to SWS has already improved or whether SWS is merely using its surveys to prop up the sagging image of PNoy. First of all, it's been one year since super typhoon "Yolanda" struck, and yes, if you visit Tacloban City today, the people are angry that the Aquino Regime hasn't done much to improve their plight.

Worse, the Aquino Regime could only account some US$14 million dollars from the US$600-million foreign aid from various countries that heartily gave to the Philippines. So can  PNoy please tell us where the money from foreign countries went? Yet SWS says the image of PNoy has improved? What lies can we expect from SWS?


Yesterday's Gospel was about Zacchaeus the tax collector which you can read in the Bible in Luke 19: 1-10. When he heard that Jesus of Nazareth was coming to the town of Jericho, Zacchaeus climbed a Sycamore tree (That tree is still standing in Jericho today) so he could see our Lord Jesus, who saw him and asked him to come down so he would stay in his house. Zacchaeus came down and in his house told our Lord, "Behold, half of my possessions, Lord, I shall give to the poor, and if I have extorted anything from anyone I shall repay it four times over."

In this day and age where corruption in the government has become so widespread, hopefully those who are corrupt and yet still present themselves as Christians ought to learn from what Zacchaeus did. Yes I mean from Vice-Pres. Jejomar Binay down to those Police Officers at the Bilibid Correctional Facility where they succumb to the authority of their VIP prisoners rather than the authority and majesty of the law.

But then there are those who are the so-called "Favored Ones" under the Aquino Regime with people like Philippine National Police Chief Alan Purisima who enjoys the trust and confidence of the President despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Under his "Daang Matuwid" his enemies, like former Chief Justice Renato Corona, are considered guilty already. It was just a matter of time (and DAP money) before Congress and the Senate impeached him (with hundreds of millions more of the people's money) to convict CJ Corona for no crime, but putting the money which he deposited in his bank account and considered unreachable under our Bank Secrecy laws in his Statements of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth.

In the case of Vice-Pres. Jejomar Binay, there is overwhelming evidence of corruption tag against him in the Senate Yellow Ribbon Committee… yet President "Daang Matuwid" doesn't boot him out of the cabinet even if his dollar accounts were not listed in his SALN. PNoy must think that all Filipinos are stupid that they cannot see through the corruption of VP Binay and his feeble attempt to chastise him.

It even gets worse under the Aquino Regime where I was horrified to learn from page 2 of the Inquirer last Monday on a report, which blared, "De Lima admits Garin probe stopped!" This is the case that then Rep. Janette Garin was allegedly involved in the National Agri-Business Corp. where whistleblowers tagged her as one of the members of Congress who were involved in the misuse of those funds under Agriculture Sec. Bolante.

The whistle blowers claimed that Rep. Garin and nine other politicians pocketed up to P300 million from the Nabcor funds. So we ask the DOJ Secretary is it fair to stop this investigation because Garin is now Acting Secretary of Health? So we'd like to know whether the DOJ stopped this probe against Acting Sec. Garin only and that the investigation on the eight other congressmen involved in his corrupt deal continues?

Speaking of Acting Sec. Garin, I heard over DZRH radio that a World Health officer chastised the Acting Health Secretary for going to Carballo Island to visit the quarantined Filipino soldiers who have to stay there for 21 days to make sure they have not caught the ebola virus. Apparently Garin went to Carballo Island sans any protective gear. This only proves that we have a very unprofessional Acting Health Secretary who in my book ought to also be quarantined with the rest of the soldiers there in order to ensure that the Philippines remain Ebola free.

[email protected].

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