Arrest them first!
It may be a uniform headline news, an otherwise common topic that is profoundly dissected by noted columnists, a subject of comments identically discussed on air by distinguished broadcasters or more importantly, an opinion similarly voiced by ordinary citizens. Their collective thoughts consider the current problem besetting some parts of Zamboanga City, as nothing else but WAR, spelled in capital letters. There seems to be unanimity of idea. War, according to accounts coming from the virtual front, is being waged by a reported breakaway group of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) against the government. The aggressor is obviously this cabal of armed malefactors. When it was announced yesterday that the armed forces have taken a defensive position, such a declaration only confirmed this fact of unlawful aggression.
As reactions, the leaders of the land, certainly the best interest of the nation uppermost in their minds, tread difficult ways and in extremely cautious stance. While initially trying to find ways to free the civilians, whom they, in the absence of a better description, call as hostages, they search for an acceptable formula to prevent the situation from deteriorating into an inevitable bloody conflict that it really is. It may be presumed that when these hostages are out of harm's way, the level of action can be entirely different. Understandably, they, our authorities, are all so guarded in their pronouncements that we only hear from their mouths the word negotiation.
People like me have great advantages in viewing situations like the Zamboanga carnage. What matters to me is that I must to feel secure either in the sanctity of my humble hut or while walking on the streets amongst a vast sea of pedestrians. I am not constrained by the interplay of diverse policy considerations. Indeed, in this Zamboanga incident and with no balancing of interests to do, my thought is simple.
What we have in Zamboanga are lawless elements of the worst kind. Unlike other criminals who work solo (or like recent robbers who ride on motorcycles in tandem), they are on the prowl and in so big numbers that sighting them alone strikes fear in us. Still, as they brandish high-powered firearms, they are terrorizing Zamboanga City no end. Anyway, is it true that this is a breakaway MNLF band?
Regardless of who they are, they have committed a serious breach of peace. That is plain and simple. These men have taken scores of people, at gun point, from their homes and for no justifiable reason, deprived them of their precious liberty. The act could be, in legal language, serious illegal detention. Perhaps, this could very well be really kidnapping for ransom when the abductors ask for anything in exchange.
As the news broke to our peaceful land, these armed men are simply killers on the loose. We cannot describe them in any other manner. How else could we characterize their act of shooting to death a jeepney driver? By golly, for all we know, that driver was only trying to find means to feed his children. Really, these marauders killed innocent people as mercilessly one would stomp a cockroach.
So, how should our government deal with criminals? Individually, fugitives Ruben Ecleo (the one who was convicted for killing his wife), Jovito Palparan and the Reyes brothers are as bad as these killers in Zamboanga are. Assuming that police authorities are doing their best to find Ecleo and company, they are as much obligated to arrest these Zamboanga offenders.
Our police forces are duty-bound to enforce the law. They must make sure that no one who takes the life of another goes free to roam around and continue to sow terror. Peace must reign in our land and peace is better attained by putting felons behind bars.
In my book, to arrest the Zamboanga killers is the only marching order. That is basic law enforcement. If these Zamboanga criminals resist arrest, our policemen will be justified to use the necessary superior force. His Excellency, President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III, must not negotiate with criminals. Negotiation is out of the question. In fact, he should now call upon the army to provide the needed muscle. That is the best way to suppress evil.
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