

It was the CPP/NDF/NPA who was not in EDSA!

SHOOTING STRAIGHT - Bobit S. Avila - The Freeman

I don't blame our beloved eminence Ricardo Cardinal Vidal for expressing his disappointment that the Aquino Regime made no mention of the contribution of the Catholic Church during the 1986 EDSA Revolution during its 27th observance of the EDSA People's Power Revolt. Look at all the colored photos in our national newspapers… parts of EDSA were filled with yellow banners, flags and shirts. But somehow, the yellow signs or ribbons have been taken by the Aquino Family as their symbol.

If you still don't know, the yellow ribbon sported by Pres. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino, III is clearly a family insignia as it is not the symbol of the Liberal Party (LP) nor is it a symbol of the Philippine government. In fact, we wrote a column months back questioning those yellow flower patches designed like a ribbon that figure prominently in front of the Baguio Presidential Mansion. Again let me emphasize that this is the official family sign of the Aquino family and their supporters. Those of you who have yellow ribbons or stickers in your cars… you are admitting that you are a “tuta” of the Aquino family. If you are truly patriotic… then sport the Filipino flag.

Anyway, back to the EDSA celebrations. I just can't believe that the Aquino Regime would ignore the huge role of the Catholic Church in the EDSA Revolt. The truth is, if the late Cardinal Sin did not respond positively to the request of Butz Aquino, who sought the help of the Catholic Church, who knows, there would be no Aquino presidency, nor even a second Aquino presidency. PNoy was ill-advised not to mention the Catholic Church during the last EDSA rites. Is he now changing our history? I certainly hope not… for his sake and the sake of the Filipino people.

There is no doubt that the relationship of PNoy and the Catholic Church has been frayed to the breaking point. This is due to the reality that this President would rather listen to his political adviser Ronald Llamas and the leftists in his government. These are the people who believe in the ideals of communism and have one way or the other worked with them. The fact alone that these members of the Aquino government do not come out in the open to condemn the attacks done by the New People's Army (NPA) like the recent attack in La Castellana, in Negros Occidental and in Del Monte Philippines in Bukidnon is proof that they have not yet severed their ties with their underground communist friends.

I'm very sure that these leftist advisers of PNoy have deliberately and quietly removed the role of the Catholic Church in EDSA because they intend to rewrite our history. But for as long as I can write columns… I will always remind our people that if there was any group who was not in EDSA when the Filipino people revolted against the Marcos dictatorship… it was the communists who were totally absent.

Yet under the new Aquino presidency… it was the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) that benefited greatly from the EDSA Revolt because as the new president that took over the Marcos dictatorship, Pres. Cory Aquino, released the incarcerated Jose Maria “Joma” Sison from his jail cell without any peace treaties not even an agreement of cessation of hostilities. That freedom given by Tita Cory has cost thousands of Filipino lives because the communists still under Joma Sison haven't stopped their armed struggle against the legitimate democratic government of the Philippines.

The latest we heard from Malacañang is that, PNoy has vowed to sit down and talk peace with the communists. Let me clarify myself… we wrote a column warning the Aquino regime not to pursue peace talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) without bringing into the table the Moro National Liberation Front (MNL). No one listened and look what's happening to the peace process that they brokered in Mindanao.  It has created a new international tension in Sabah where 300 armed men are ready to fight it out with Malaysia.

This has presented a new dilemma for PNoy because if there is bloodshed in Sabah, the Philippines could even end up in an unwanted war with Malaysia, after all there is legitimacy to the claim of the Sultan of Sulu and of Sabah, which is recognized by the Malaysians paying them rent for Sabah. So this issue is very delicate, albeit explosive. If PNoy slips up, there could be a conflagration that no one wants. Again, this is because the PNoy regime did not bring the MNLF to the peace table.

Now, as for peace talks with the reds, I certainly hope that PNoy would not send leftists as members of the Philippine government peace panel because we just might be sold down the river if PNoy allows this to happen. So call this a warning to the President not to sell the Philippines to the communists because the Filipino people will never accept it.

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