Return of "Operation Kilum-Kilum" sought

“OPERATION KILUM-KILUM”. A car driving instructor called up The Ear to suggest that the traffic division’s “Operation Kilum-Kilum” be revived and given even more force. He said many drivers do not dim their headlights when meeting another vehicle after dark. “Dimming the headlight is a must when meeting another vehicle at night,” he said. “Records show that many of the road accidents at night have been caused by this negligence.” 

DEFECTIVE OR NONE. The same driving instructor said the Citom should inspect if every motor vehicle has a dimmer that’s defective or if it has none at all. “Gamay ra nang butanga,” one traffic enforcer said. “Dili baya ni gamay’ng butanga moresulta baya ni’g kamatayon kon dili atimanon,” the instructor said.

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