Co-equal? Really?

The continued confrontation between the Palace and the Supreme Court couldn’t have been made more evident and public than President Aquino’s tirade against the latter in a speech delivered at the 1st National Criminal Justice Summit, right before the Chief Justice Renato Corona himself. Never mind that most of the magistrates and other justices were there, the President was not to be denied the chance to air out what he sees as a poorly functioning Supreme Court, one that does not take the sentiments of the people and the state into consideration.

Now, it seems to have a polarizing effect on the Senate, the House and practically everyone else, with some believing the President had every right to lambaste the court, others saying it was outright wrong. Even deans of collages of law have opposing opinion. If college of law deans are arguing, what more the ordinary citizens? It just goes to show that the law is not an exact science, being dependent on the one interpreting it. Just like there are as much different opinions and treatments from chiropractics, as much interpretations from different Feng Shui masters.

The three branches of government – executive, judiciary, legislative – are supposed to be co-equal branches, independent of one another, but all working for the betterment of the country. That’s the general statement. That’s the ideal situation. Question is, do we have an ideal situation? The justices of the Supreme Court are all appointed by the President of the Philippines. This is the only branch of government where the people do not have a say in choosing who gets to sit at the highest court in the land. The president is elected, so are the lawmakers. I guess this is where the problem lies.

Chief Justice Renato Corona was never in the good graces of President Noynoy Aquino. His entry into the high court, the highest position in the court has been in question since day one. And he is not alone. There are at least seven others appointed by what is now evident as the most hated president this country has ever seen! Gloria Arroyo knew that she would be hounded by the incoming administration to pay for her sins, seeing that her bets simply did not stand a chance against the opposition. So she wisely did what she could do as president, appoint the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. With former Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez, another Arroyo lackey, bugging out because of pressure from almost everyone. The High Court is all that’s left to watch her back. And watch her back it has done.

This is what the Palace sees. A Supreme Court that still secretly holds a candle for the former president. And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Arroyo had found a way to keep her out of trouble, the law. She has established a partisan court in her favor, to try their best in keeping her safe, until she finally finds a way out of this country. It may be wrong for the Palace to criticize the Supreme Court, being a co-equal in governance. But, it is probably right in lambasting THIS Supreme Court, who is still beholden to the gods of the past, and not to the people. 

Vox populi, vox dei. I heard that phrase before. I wonder if it is still true.

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