Editorial - Preparedness is nothing to be ashamed of

If the intention is to prevent a panic, which can be bad for business and most everything else, merely downplaying threats of a terror attack, especially in a manner that suggests nothing can be more ridiculous, is not the way to do it.

Here we are, a country that only very recently showed to the whole world how not to deal with a hostage crisis, acting as if a terror attack is so remotely possible it is not even worth dignifying with a single pause of concern.

It is understandable for a country with such a fragile economy as ours to always be on guard against anything that can disrupt its unpredictable rhythm. It is even more understandable for a country with spotty security capabilities to want to avoid chances of getting tested.

But disruptions, especially those brought on by senseless violence as in terror attacks are not only unavoidable, they are now part of global realities that everyone must contend with, whether they are capable of doing so or not.

The funny thing is that while countries that are clearly capable of handling increasingly varied types of threat never seem to let their guard down, it is countries like the Philippines that do not have what it takes that seem to regard such threats with apathy and nonchalance.

We are a country that cannot be brought down on our knees by needless disruptions without having to pay a stiff price with our meager time and resources. So, instead of traipsing around like somebody on a lark, we should bury our heads with all earnestness to deal with the threat.

If there is a threat, which is acknowledged by others that are more capable of absorbing losses, let us treat it with the seriousness it deserves. Let us not pooh-pooh it with misplaced arrogance.

It is not as if we have never experienced a terror attack. We have lost tremendously in relation to our national size and significance in at least two important attacks on two of our most popular modes of transport -- by sea and rail.

Surely we cannot be so falsely unperturbed if only to project a stupid image of being on top of the situation because no one really is. If what it takes is to display armed might, then let us do so. Rather than project a tense situation, security presence can be reassuring.

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