

Letter to the editor - On freedom, corruption and Filipino feudalism


I have over the last few weeks, listened to and read commentary from one person or another using personal lifestyle attacks on opponents running for political office, presumably on the basis that these attackers cannot form a proper, cohesive and meaningful platform of innovative ideas and present it to the electorate for our consideration so we can make an informed choice in order they, by good will and honest endeavour, extract us from the dismal, pathetic morass in which we, the people of RP live (politicians aside of course, who seem to be doing rather well) and they have to resort to kindergarten schoolyard antics anxiously telling us that little Bong Bong stole their lunch box or accuse someone of dying (aren't we all?) or something equally inane.

Look, we all know that the lifestyles of the protagonists may not mirror our own virtuous lives, nor indeed the lives of their political icons and squeaky clean heroes like Estrada, Garcia, Arroyo, Aquino, Martinez, Ampatuan, King Philip II of Spain, (who branded us all, so many years ago) every Ombudsman that has ever been appointed to his sinecure, and including the senatorial and congressional old ladies of both sexes waddling around 'up north'.

Nevertheless it is the case, and always will be, that if anyone running for office can provide me with safety and security, utilities, schooling, roads, industry, hospitals, international respect, progress and opportunity in a general sense then he/ she may have my considered vote. 'It's the economy, stupid', as someone once said.

And no, I don't support candidates running on bland tickets of 'ending corruption', 'ending poverty', 'freedom', 'the environment', (a new boy on the block), abolishing taxes and bringing back the tooth fairy, Santa Claus and free table fans for everyone...

On 'freedom', I realize that some of the electorate may not be aware, but just to bring them up to date, we were granted our 'freedom' 60 odd years ago, and in my opinion, we took that freedom, used it, abused it and milked that poor cow to death.

On corruption, if it didn't exist we would have no government at all; my government is firmly built on this foundation, it is cemented together with 'family alliances', 'inbreeding', 'deals', you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours', theft and 'in your face' dishonesty… And no, there are no cracks in this foundation; it has been built to last.

Yes, we have laws against these things. So? What's your point? The penalties are not enforced, and even if they were these penalties can be kept on the carnival roundabout of the Circumlocution Offices of the Ombudsman for years and years and years.

OK, if we wish to be pedantic, we've swapped Spanish feudalism for Filipino feudalism; the current landlords carrying coincidentally proud adopted Spanish names, have, by some magical metamorphosis, changed into 'democratically elected officials'; the ghosts are with us still…

By the way the electorate, other than selling their votes, are NOT involved in corruption, generally speaking. It is the elected officials and people associated with government who are, clearly and demonstrably and always have been the guilty party. And it has to be said, have by extraordinary dedicated effort, elevated this endeavour to an art form that is recognized as second to none all over the world.

An analogy for everyone: It's the fat python I hired to look after my chickens that's stealing 'em; not the chickens. Yes, it's my fault I admit it.

And I sit here on Bantayan Island wondering how we can allow convicted plunderers and thieves of my country's very limited assets to run for public office yet again; in order one presumes, to take another attempt at stealing yet more trash from my limited purse.

Still, I guess that's freedom for you…eh? Enjoy!

Jeane D. Tayo

Bakiki Beach

Purok Tindog, Guiwanon

Bantayan Island, Cebu

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