Some hopeless hopefuls for prez

My friend Sammy Darza is running for mayor? Darza lot of Sam mystery in it.

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Sammy Darza's running for mayor took many of his friends by surprise. But they're cheering him: "Cheerio! Sammy side up!"

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The young ones today may not know Sammy Darza. Sammy was the first Citom boss. It was during his watch that jeepney drivers got their first obedience lesson in traffic rules.

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It takes all kinds of presidential hopefuls. Some of them have no hope at all but they're there hoping against hope.

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One of these hopefuls wants to replace GMA because of his ability to crow like his fighting cock. And he demonstrated this before the Comelec. "Tok-to-ga-ook!" he crowed.

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Another hopeless hopeful for the presidency is a faith healer. He could heal all corrupt government people by sprinkling coconut oil on their heads and praying the Our Father backwards.

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And there was that presidential hopeless who aborted his aspiration as he failed to fill up his COC at the Comelec office. He didn't know how to write!

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Thanks to reader Jon Palacio for e-mailing to me the above election sidelights. (The preceding three paragraphs.)

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Gwen's taking in Glenn Soco as her runningmate is an eyebrow-raiser. But it's a wise move. I don't know Glenn Soco personally but I've heard a lot of good things about him. As for the bad things, that will soon crop up from the other camp. If any there are.

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My compadre (what's compadre in English?) John Palmares is a Roman Catholic but he's going all out for Bro. Eddie Villanueva, a non-Catholic, for President. "Vote for Erap or Jamby if you wish," he said, "but I'm for Bro. Eddie."

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John cited many reasons for his choice of Bro. Eddie but I have no more space for plugging for my own candidate for city councilor ... Joe Navarro!

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