Of sunrise, Romeo and Juliet,  Bible quotes and “change”

Congress Revelations. When the motion lead to a vote to declare the position of the speaker’s seat vacant, numerous speeches were made by members of the House of Representatives. Many gave eloquent speeches. The most common word used was “change.” Several congressmen quoted passages from the bible or their favorite prayer. Some became poetic and talked of sunrise. One even turned Shakespearean and quoted lines from the play of Romeo and Juliet. One observer commented, “Mabalaknon gyud ni atong mga kongresista, sa?”

Of Lesser Talent. While many congressmen shined in their three minutes of fame Monday night, an equal number of our esteemed district representatives can’t seem to put two logical sentences together. Many stumbled on their English grammar and pronunciation. Still they attempted to grab the spotlight, only to miserably fall flat on their faces with their lame speeches. One congressman even tried his hand on comedy when he said, “No, no,no. But count my three Nos as one.” A college professor who was watching the proceedings said, “Sus, Ginoo, mao ni klase sa atong mga leader karon? Carabao English?”

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