

2008 events: Rep, UST, UP


Founded 40 years ago, Repertory Philippines has readied its 2008 calendar of events which follows: January, “Tuesdays with Morrie”, a heart-warming play that perfectly combines comedy, drama and poignancy. By Jeffrey Hatcher and Mitch Albom, it is directed by Baby Barredo and stars Jose Ma. Avellana and Bart Guingona. February, Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”, March, “Romance in D”, a romantic comedy by James Sherman. April, “Altar Boyz”, winner of the 2005 Outer Critics Circle award for Best Off-Broadway musical.

April, Summer Acting Workshop starting April 7 and ending in May. July, The Repertory Children’s Theater directed by Joy  Virata. August, Disney’s “Mulan Jr.”. Based on the Disney movie about an ancient Chinese legend, it tells the exploits of a real-life girl warrior. November, “A Christmas Carol” (The Musical), music by Alan Menken and lyrics by Lynn Ahrens. Based on the well-loved Dickens novel, it is an elaborate re-telling of one of the most touching and enduring Christmas stories of all time.

In 1967, Zeneida Amador and Carmen “Baby” Barredo put up Repertory Philippines. The only theater company that has consistently produced at least seven productions a year for 40 years, the Rep is now headed by Carmen Barredo and Joy Virata.

On Jan. 18-19/25-26, 2008, at 8 p.m. and Jan. 19 and 26 at 3 p.m., the UST and the CCP will jointly stage J. Strauss II’s operetta “Die Fledermaus” (The Bat) at the CCP main theater.

Strauss’ most celebrated and loved operetta, with singable lively melodies, has libretto by Richard Geneer and Karl Haffner. The musical is about “mistaken identities, flirtations at a masked ball, elegant frivolities and confusion of all kinds — a hilarious vehicle for some of the most infectious and enchanting music ever written.”

The operetta is moved to decades later, during the Weimar Republic between 1919 and 1993, before the Third Reich has reached its peak.

The three casts include Rachelle Gerodias, Nenen Espina, Thea Perez, Naomi Paz Sison, Armela Fortuna, Patrice Pacis, Rexceluz Evangelista, Monalisa Padilla, Florence Aguilar, Ferleoni Medina, Ronan Ferrer, Randy Gilongo, Abdul Candao, Eugene de los Santos, Jun Francis Jaranilla, Noel Azcona, Jose Exequiel Vale III, Nohmer Nival, Cristoval Tan and Ronnie Abarquez.

Herminigildo Ranera and Korean conductor Jae Joon Lee conduct the UST Symphony Orchestra.

The artistic staff includes Floy Quintos as stage director, Monino Duque as lighting designer, and Eric Cruz as set designer.

Since Raul Sunico became dean of the UST Conservatory of Music, its presentations have increased a hundredfold.

The University of the Philippines will mark a significant milestone in its distinguished and rich history – its Centennial Jubilee in 2008. In view of this, the UP Alumni Association will honor a wider group of Jubilarians: Royal Diamond (classes of 1947 and earlier), Diamond (1948), Emerald (1953), Golden (1958), Sapphire (1963), Ruby (1968), Jade (1973), Pearl (1978) and Silver (1983).

The Grand Centennial Homecoming and Reunion will be on Saturday, June 21, 2008 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Araneta Coliseum, on the theme “UP Alumni Excellence Leadership and service in the Next 100 Years.”

Centennial Jubilarians will be honored and given special mementos; the year’s outstanding alumni will be recognized for their having kept high the UP spirit and standard of excellence. Above all, tribute will be paid the University for its roles in the alumni’s individual lives and in the country’s growth and progress.

A memorable, meaningful and enjoyable program will showcase well-known as well as hidden talents of Jubilarians and alumni.

To remember this once-in-a-lifetime celebration, UPAA will publish a rare three-volume Centennial Yearbook. Vol. 2 will be devoted exclusively to Centennial Jubilarians.

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