Undressed to kill she

The headline says: “Naked Woman Slays Gay.” Undressed to kill she!

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I have just finished watching the Sta. Lucia-Coca Cola game in the PBA. It was an ice cold Coke that I saw, losing by 32 points to the Realtors who sizzled.

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Syndicated columnist Ann Landers saw this sign in a bar: “If you’re drinking to forget, please pay in advance.”

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My compadre who works in a hospital here wants his grade three grandson to become a medical doctor when he grows up. “He was the makings of a successful MD,” he said, adding: “I can’t read his handwriting.”

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It says here that PAL is well on its way to conquering new heights. A mediaman’s comment: “That’s what I like about PAL. It aims high like Cebu Pacific.”

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My comtemporary Felix (never mind the family name) who celebrated his 78th birthday last week is married to a 19-year-old girl. “Very young, your wife,” I said. And Felix replied; “Natural, Bay. Old carabos eat young grass.

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“Old saying, Bay,” I said. The new saying, according to my doctor (a cardiologist) is: “Young vines climb old trees.”

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In this connection, journalist Jessie Bacon (formerly with The Freeman, now with The Tribune of Inez Cacho Olivares, who once wrote a column in TF) sent me this text message:

Old man: Doc, I’m 95 and my 18-year-old wife is pregnant.

Doc: Let me tell you a story about a hunter who, instead of his gun he brought his umbrella to the jungle. He met a bear, aimed his umbrella, pulled the trigger and the bear dropped dead.

Old man: Impossible! Somebody must have shot the bear.

Doc: Exactly!

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E-mail from Justice Que of Makati City. “I’m happy and proud that the UV chorale won international honors in Busan, South Korea. I am a Cebuana and my Mom is an alumna of UV. Congrats to UV and the Gullases.”

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E-mail from Linarey of Seattle, Wash., USA: “Through your column allow me to greet my cousins Henry, Delsa, Tina and Gingging in Basak, Mandaue. I wonder if you still remember me. I used to deliver press releases to your paper when I was still with a government office in Cebu.” (You must be Lina Reynaldo. If you are, yes, I remember you. — JVJ)

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E-mail: nitzjab@yahoo.com


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