

Calculated treachery

THAT DOES IT - Korina Sanchez -

As everybody knows by now, the lawyer who allegedly gunned down two persons in a fit of road rage is free on bail. The prosecutor himself downgraded an earlier offense of murder filed by the Pasig Police to homicide, allowing this lawyer to post an P80,000 bail. Apparently, that’s the price of freedom nowadays after killing two people.

So what happens now? Well, you have a lawyer, who works for a Pasig City Legal Department, who is the nephew of a Sandiganbayan justice, who is now out on bail. Even a monkey can see that this case is already headed for a whitewash! What good is a hold order, if he can bribe or muscle his way out of the country? So if it seems that the victims cannot get any justice from the prosecutors themselves, where do they turn to now?

I mean, here we are, all outraged by a racial remark made on a tv show against the Philippine medical profession. Where is the moral outrage in this case, where two unarmed people have been killed?! Where is it!?

And how could this person be allowed to post bail, when there are so many things allegedly going against him? Aside from the killing of two people, there is the violation of the Comelec gun ban, an illegal possession of a firearm, an unlicensed firearm! Robin Padilla was jailed because of a firearms possession, and he didn’t even use it!

And this Manito Hernandez really knows what he’s doing. He left the crime scene, possibly to dispose of the weapon. He then gets caught but does not issue any statement. He refuses a paraffin test. He just sits there, knowing his comrades are already solving the case for him. And true enough, he’s out on bail, even with all those charges laid on him. And let’s not forget treachery. Calculated at that. There is the argument that he was defending himself from a violent person. But what about the woman? An unarmed woman who rushed to the side of his companion. He then decides to plug her two in the back. The prosecutor himself decided that there was no treachery. I wonder what does? You be the judge.

I am outraged by this whole thing. Supposedly unseen hands are already at work to get Hernandez off the hook. Just like in the Cris Mendez case. There really is no justice in this country anymore. We’ve gone to the dogs. Dogs with law degrees.

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