‘The Fort’ binulabog ng bomb threat
After reflecting on the consequences of Fr. Eddie Panlilio’s victory as the new governor of Pampanga, I thought the best way to write my opinion on the matter would be by writing an unsolicited “draft sermon.”
In fact I would suggest the same to Governor Vilma Santos Recto, Alan Peter Cayetano or Darlene Antonino Custodio and all the other candidates who succeeded in beating a financially and politically superior candidate.
Here goes my proposed draft: SERMON AT THE CAPITOL.
They say: Man proposes; GOD disposes. Our experience has shown that for God to move, we as a people must first act. For this I thank all of you for your prayers as well as for your actions.
You have by your words and your actions put into practice the very teaching of the apostle James when he spoke about faith and deeds. Needless to say my gratitude to our almighty GOD is now doubled having been given the twin privilege of Serving both men and GOD first as a priest and second, as Governor of this great province.
When we began this journey, you the citizens of Pampanga called upon many of its illustrious sons and daughters to heed the challenge of public office. We sought out former cabinet members, politicians, lawyers and businessmen. Sadly their current commitments or practical choices failed to raise a candidate who could embody our collective yearning for a political and moral change.
We were not interested in a candidate generated by a political party or personal ambition. Given the difficulty of finding a willing and winnable candidate we no longer thought of a political victory but simply making a call for change and a moral stand.
As a result of both personal frustration and divine intervention, I found myself thrust into an arena of lions. Mercifully GOD who saves is also a lion tamer. As we proposed, GOD disposed of the things we sought to change. But it is only the beginning and not the end.
Today as I exchange one “Life choice” for another “Life choice”, from priest to public servant, All of you who call yourselves “Kapampangan” and “believers in GOD” and “supporters” must also commit to change your life and your thoughts from the old ways to the new.
In the last 45 days we waged not just a campaign but more importantly a war between good and evil. They called it a war that couldn’t be won. We struggled by faith for the things we believed in. In doing so we fought personal battles against our own cynicism, our selfishness, and specially our fears. Through our collective will we fought and won.
But now the biggest battle comes to our doorsteps.
In the days to come the same great expectations we nurtured in the campaign will confront us as a people. Our Cabalens and fellow Filipinos who have much less will come seeking, asking, and certainly knocking for help, relief, or comfort.
Others will have expectant hopes of change in our communities, barangays, city halls, and this very capitol itself. Everyone expects an end to the culture of corruption, inefficiency, and un-professionalism. As everyone expects to be served, they will also expect integrity in our service.
Soon enough the time will come when political reality will clash with our desire for change. For generations, jueteng money and other illicit funds were used for baptisms, weddings, hospitals or burials, jueteng money somehow filled the need. It also established political patronage and created political warlords and dynasties.
There will be immense pressure to bring back these wages of sin so that local leaders can continue helping the poor and the underprivileged.
In voting me into public office you have walked many miles. Now I call upon you to walk even further with me on this journey.
The sacrifice I will ask from you and the change you must demand of yourself will be greater than mine. In changing my priestly duties and garments for those of Governor, I merely end up working for a larger parish so to speak.
My vow of poverty has prepared me for a simple life. More than anything my entry to public office will serve to complete my education and ministry. But each of you on the other hand must now show your faith and what you believe in, by action and doing the very things you say.
If we are to have change the change must begin with each of you.
The Apostle James once wrote:
“What good is it my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds?”. further he says “Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, Go, I wish you well; Keep warm and well fed, but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?
By declaring jueteng and quarry funds as evil, we must now replace this with the same kind of money that we would proudly use to feed and provide for our families.
As we provide for our loved ones we must also provide for “our” government and the taxes due it. As we have found favor from GOD in our battles, we must also give what is due him.
As we condemned patronage politics and political dynasties as selfish and self serving, we must now replace it with selfless service within our communities, beginning with those who serve under our roofs and in your place of business. It is time break down the high walls of your hearts and feel the need of your neighbors, their families and how you can help them.
Together we must begin to live out and to teach the lesson of leadership that our Lord Jesus lived; that true leadership is serving others and not about being served.
We as a people must finally come to terms that public service is about humility not celebrity, about sacrifice and not power. We must be honest to ourselves and be rid of false expectations, false life styles, and living beyond our means.
Only when we truly live by our means and under GOD’s grace can we then have the moral authority to demand that our elected officials, our police and other government servants live a life of integrity.
In the same token we must confront every error, omission, every sin or abuse committed by erring officials and public servants. Because of our collective will, no citizen must ever fear to hold them accountable.
When you cast your ballot, you were not voting for FR. EDDIE or Apong Ed. You were voting to represent your will, your beliefs. You wanted it so much that you called on the almighty GOD to deliver this victory. Let us now move on to a greater victory!
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