EDITORIAL — Charter changes must be rejected

What has long been suspected by many is now becoming more and more apparent - that the charter changes being proposed, and now rushed, by the House of Representatives are not only not necessary but, more importantly, intended only to further the interests of the proponents.

Proposals that are fired by genuine interests are not characterized by obscene haste or abrasive persistence. Grounded on truth and reason, genuine proposals derive strength from the certainty of its own time.

But the charter change proposals that we see are being rammed down our throats by those who propose them. Speaker Jose de Venecia, and God knows who is egging him on, has even brazenly promised a new charter by December 15.

Those who come forth with a clean heart are never afraid of failing in an endeavor. They fear only that they have not given their best. Those consumed by ill motives fear failure because in all likelihood they have a stake, most probably survival, in the endeavor.

The consuming persistence by the House of Representatives to kick in a new charter smacks of that kind of interest-driven endeavor. That kind of behavior just does not occur in the normal goodness of people.

Therefore, let this travesty of the supposed general welfare be exposed by those still unwary of the subterfuge, and opposed by those who resent being used against their will and contrary to their welfare.

For in fact the truth is that we need a change in character more than we need changes in the charter. No changes in the charter, no matter how good and well-intended, will ever translate to meaningful and beneficial changes if carried out and left in the care of soiled hands.

We have said this over and over and we will keep on repeating them if we have to: A car is only as good as its driver. A BMW or a Mercedes Benz will never amount to anything in the hands of a tuba gatherer.

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