What can we do?

We keep on complaining about the government, the economy and the environment. We talk about our leaders as if there is nothing wrong with us. We tend to look at others but forget to look at ourselves. What is wrong with the Filipinos?

Both the rich and the poor are the same in nature. We look down at others and gossip most of the time. Our national past time is making "chismis". Instead of widening our knowledge by reading magazines, newspapers and books, we prefer to watch "showbiz" news. I am no hypocrite, I watch those shows myself but at times I control myself by turning off the tube and doing something more purposeful.

What is my point? Well, I think in order for our country to move on and develop into a "super power" (nothing is impossible) we have to reform our inner spirits in the way we treat our own countrymen. We need to have a change of attitude.

Imagine after the President gave her State of the Nation Address, many in the Opposition right away turned her speech down and found so many lies in it. Nothing could have pleased them more than to have her impeached. Sure, you are the Opposition but make sure when you start bickering, do it with some dignity. You are still statesmen who should stand with honor — so please watch your actions and be careful of the words you use on national TV. You do not show a good example to your supporters, in fact, we all the more become turned off by what you say and do.

As for the audience in the crowd of the Hall of Congress, how I wish you could have made the President finish her statements before applauding — by interrupting her speech after every sentence, it was quite obvious that it was more of a show with a director. Sobra naman medyo overacting na!

Now let us go to the mainstream of society. Have you noticed the way the rich treat the middleclass worker or the poor? Actually, the rich who were born within wealthy families are the ones who live a simpler life and are more humble. Those who are "biglang yaman" become "biglang mayabang". They are not at all humble but "hambog". They do not know how to treat people with kindness. Just because they have money they tend to treat everyone like slaves. Even our own household helps or janitors shouldn’t be treated that way.

These type of people think they are always right. Since they have money they probably feel they can buy anyone. The strong sense of power make them act rude not to mention, greedy. How I wish they can go to a finishing school where grace, courtesy and proper ethical behavior is taught.

For instance last week, as I was entering a mall, the security guard following the standard operating procedure of their company wanted to check the bag of this "flaunty" lady. I stopped and really observed what took place. The guard courteously asked the lady to open her bag for inspection. The lady shrugged her shoulder and did not want to submit to the rule. She shouted at the guard and said, "ano ka ba hindi mo ba ako kilala? Tingin mo ba magdadala ako ng bomba dito?" My gosh! What an attitude, just follow the rule. This is not a rare scenario it always happens. People who belong to the upper strata of our society are the very ones who break the rule. They are the ones who are "mayabang" – they are the "untouchables". I thought having had a education (some even educated abroad) they would be cautious of their behavior. No, they seem to have no breeding at all?

On the roads, the so-called "yuppies" or sons’/ daughters’ of the rich are the arrogant ones especially those who have expensive sports cars. They break the traffic rules and when accosted by a traffic cop they even drop names of big politicians, generals or police chiefs and intimidate the enforcers. How bastos talaga! Sometimes they even bring out their guns to scare away the cops on the block. And when a shoot out occurs, the policemen become the victims of circumstance. The policemen who were in the first place there to arrest a situation turn out to be the criminals. What a sad phenomenon that always happens in our country.

I hope the parents of such teenagers or young adults do not tolerate such attitudes and behavior. It is sad to admit it but many of Filipino parents (whether rich or poor) tend protect their children instead of giving them a lesson. Now you wonder what is wrong with our country?

Several times in the grocery store while falling in line, someone cuts through my line. I do not hesitate to tell the person, "excuse me there is a line." The person’s facial expression conveys no emotion. As if she did not see that long line. Yeah right! But I always make it a point to tell whoever it is that there is a line so they can be more sensitive next time. Unfortunately, the problem is that many Filipinos are timid to express themselves. Para wala nang gulo they will just keep quiet. I think this is wrong, we must voice out the truth so we can teach others what is right.

In one of the offices in Makati, a client walks in and complains about the service of the company. The clerk at the information desk explains the rules and regulations of the company. But the client insists that the clerk is tanga. C’mon! Just because you do not want to hear the truth and follow the rules of the company you begin to badmouth or complain right away? How can we prosper if we think we are always right? Are we gods from Mount Olympus? Are we an immortal race?

I work in a school. One student applicant takes the entrance exam. He did not make it to the level he applied for. You know what the parents did? They asked us our credentials for running the school (even with all our certificates, permits and awards hanging on the wall). They asked what kind of exam we gave and why their child did not make it? After explaining which we did not really have to do since we are not obligated to do so, I wondered to myself how this parent can be so obnoxious and arrogant. Just because their child did not pass they can put us down with harsh words and shout at our people? Haven’t they heard about passing and failing? Winning and losing? Yin and Yan? You do not get everything you want in this world and cannot manipulate people by trying to influence their minds, or by dropping names or intimidating people. Get real.

The problem many Filipinos have is what we call an "attitude problem". What people need to have is some decency. We need to understand and accept that there are laws, rules, and policies to follow. The rich become arrogant because they think that with their power (money and connections), they can get away with the law. The poor on the other hand, are not educated enough as to understand that our society has rules which we should abide by – that is why they squat anywhere. They put up small stalls in the sidewalks. They throw their trash even in the middle of a main highway. It is purely illiteracy that destroys them.

Every Filipino must have a change of heart. We should improve our manners. We should learn how to wait for our turn, learn how to say "excuse me" or "thank you". We should teach our children the important values of grace and courtesy and make them realize that every Filipino whether rich or poor deserves to have a little bit of RESPECT.

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