Honors for Del Rosario, Ingrid Santamaria / Roces book / Hindu art

University of Santo Tomas Rector Fr. Tamerlane R. Lana, OP, and Ambassador Ramon V. del Rosario, Sr., officiated at the inauguration and blessing last week of the UST Heritage Library dedicated to Antonio Vivencio del Rosario, Ramon’s grandfather.

Herewith is a brief summary of the life of Antonio Vivencio (1828-1886) as written on the marker:

• Secretary General of the University of Santo Tomas (1854-1866)

• Doctor of Civil Law, UST (1871)

• Member of the Real Audencia (1860-1886)

• Loving Father of Four Illustrious UST Graduates

– Salvador, Licentiate in Medicine (1886),

– Mariano, Doctor of Pharmacy (1890), Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery (1916),

– Jose, Licentiate in Medicine (1906),

– Manuel, Doctor of Civil Law (1929).

Salvador and Mariano were delegates to the Malolos Congress and prominent figures in the Propaganda Movement in Madrid, Spain. Salvador was an editor/writer for La Solidaridad and La Independencia.

The establishment of the UST Heritage Library is supported by a grant from the family of Ambassador Ramon V. del Rosario, Sr., Antonio Vivencio’s grateful grandson.

Archivist Fr. Fidel Villaroel OP turned over a copy of the academic records of Antonio Vivencio to the members of the Del Rosario family present: Ambassador Ramon R. del Rosario, Sr., Ramon R. del Rosario, Jr., Francisco V. del Rosario and Antonio V. del Rosario. Also present were Ramon, Sr.’s daughter Pinky and son-in-law Klaus Zeller, former ambassador of Germany to the Philippines.
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Ingrid Sala Santamaria, daughter of Salvador Sala and Pilar Blanco, the latter a graduate of Sr. Baptista Battig who pioneered in formal music education in the country, was conferred the degree of Doctor of Music (Music Education) honoris causa during the 145th commencement exercises of De La Salle University at the PICC.

Ingrid was the commencement speaker on the occasion.

During the rites, Dr. Carmelita I. Quebengco, executive vice-president, conferred on Ingrid the hood; Joaquin E. Quintos IV, chairman, board of trustees, the cap; Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC, president, the diploma.

College of Education Dean, Dr. Barbara Wong Fernandez, read the citation, mentioning among many things the following: Ingrid received a gold medal for obtaining her Bachelor of Music degree at the Battig Music School in Cebu City, and another gold medal for obtaining her Master of Music degree (major in piano performance and music education) from Sta. Isabel College.

She pursued Advanced studies in piano performance and piano literature at Juilliard, NY. She then taught music fundamentals, theory, history and appreciation at Assumption Convent, and served as founding chairperson of the Piano Teachers’ Guild of Cebu Foundation.

Active as concert pianist since 1962, Ingrid was the first soloist of the Concert at the Park series, performed the Philippine premiere of China’s "Yellow River Concerto for Piano and Orchestra", was the first non-Japanese Asian soloist of the Kanzai Orchestra at the Fourth Hiroshima International Music Festival, and performed as soloist of the 102-member Beijing Symphony Orchestra to mark the 25th year of RP-China diplomatic relations. She adjudicated international piano competitions in Oita, Japan, and Bangkok, Thailand.

Among her numerous awards are the Ten Outstanding Women in the Nation’s Service (TOWNS), the Paul Harris fellowship from Rotary International, and two awards from the French government.

The Salvador and Pilar Sala Foundation which Ingrid started has evolved into a ten-year music development program, and it is the training headquarters for the Peace Philharmonic Philippines (formerly the Cebu Symphony Orchestra) whose environment of excellence and commitment now serve as a model for the country and SEAsia toward nation-building.

Since 2001, Ingrid and pianist Reynaldo Reyes have been bringing classic music to the masses through their outreach program "Romantic Piano Concerto Journey" which, thus far, has totaled 175 free concerts in 11 local and international tours.

In her highly original commencement address, Ingrid equated her life and experience with the concerto to convey her meaningful message. Life, she said, is like a concerto with its exposition, development, recapitulation and coda. "You are now in the development stage," she told her young audience. "You will be exploring, using the talent honed in college. There will be problems and reverses, but you will reap rewards if you use your capabilities to the fullest." Or words to that effect.

Ingrid also likened life to the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Although still at the apex of her powers, she contended she was now entering the winter of her life.
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Distinguished painter-critic-writer Alfredo "Ding" Roces has come out with Adios, Patria Adorada: The Filipino as Ilustrado, The Ilustrado as Filipino (DLSU Press). I was unable to attend the book launch but knowing Ding, I presume the book, as also implied by its title, is replete with nationalistic overtones.
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To honor India’s President and to mark India’s national day, Raffles Fine Arts, a leading chain of Asian antiquities, is exhibiting a comprehensive collection of centuries-old Hindi statues. Titled "Every Woman a Goddess", the exhibit shows the changing role of women around the world, particularly in India.

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