The Prince of Peace

All over the Christian world, Nativity plays are taking place in schools during the early weeks of December. The principal roles of Joseph and Blessed Mary are sought after by many children. Majority of them, though, play the part of shepherds, angels and the caravan of kings. This childhood experience is lovingly photographed by the young parents and treasured in the family photo albums.

Michael Quoist states in his book, Christ is Alive! that: "The mystery of Jesus Christ is unique. It is the eternal plan of the Father’s love, which was lived historically by Christ in ancient Palestine… the Mystery as a whole — reflects successively on the Creation, the Incarnation, the Redemption and the Resurrection."

Those are all different aspects of the same love as lived by Christ on earth 2,000 years ago, and lived now with him and in Him by the whole church, by each individual Christian — by all men.
Simbang Gabi
December 16 is the first day of the novena of Simbang Gabi (nine-day dawn Masses) before Christmas Eve. What holds true as we meditate on the mystery of Jesus becomes even more true as we succeed in living that mystery of God becoming Man to be one of us.

As early as the kindergarten years of the child, one can already explain the story of God’s love in a simple manner. Bring him to the belen (nativity scene) at home or in the church. Contemplate the holiest moment in the history of Christianity when God stepped down on earth through Mary, "blessed among women".

From my high school and college days in St. Scholastica’s College, the Benedictine nuns succeeded in making me aware of the motto: ora et labora (pray and work). I tried hard to reflect on the real meaning of Christmas, for the gaiety of colored lights, yuletide music and people filling up all the stores of goodies easily distract us from its divine message.

When I got married, my husband and I became members of the Paco chapter of the Christian Family Movement. During Christmas, I would direct the kindergarten sons and daughters of our CFM friends — the Hernandezes, the Raymundos, Ibañezes, Syke and Cessy Garcia’s children, and the Calderons in a very unique Christmas play. This never failed to touch our adult hearts because the kids took their roles seriously (except when Ruben Hernandez introduced another character — his son, Bunny, who dressed up as a red devil).
The Christmas stage production in school
Later on, when I started to manage several OB Montessori preschools and elementary schools, I thought of producing and directing a magnificent Nativity tableau specially inspired by Sofia Cavaletti’s Montessori spiritual lessons from I Am the Good Shepherd. In her fourth and fifth grade religion book, she presented graphically the story of man’s salvation from Creation, Redemption to Parusia.

This year, the OB Montessori Nativity tableau will be presented on December 15 at the OB Montessori Greenhills headquarters. The tableau is composed of an all-OBMC cast headed by the 30-member OBMC Primary Angels’ Choir who will open the show with Christmas carols to herald the coming of Jesus, Our Savior. This will be followed by a choral recitation of A Poem for Christmas.

We are presenting a much-improved and more meaningful presentation of the Christmas tableau, this time with the help of our in-house director, Gus Aldeguer. The stage backdrop is inspired by the Crystal Cathedral musicale, The Glory of Christmas. The lead roles of Adam and Eve, Mary and Joseph, Elizabeth, the serpent, prophets, three kings and innkeepers are played by teachers and administrative personnel, while the rest of the cast are preschool and grade school students.
The Creation: ‘Let there be light… life’
Students reenact the seven days of Creation using aquamarine and brown fabrics representing water and land. God made rivers and seas. He formed the mountains and deserts, the islands and beaches. Then, God planted tall trees, swaying grasses and flowers of every kind.

God put lights in the sky. He put the fiery sun for daytime, the sparkling moon and the dancing stars for the night.

God filled the waters with fishes of all shapes and sizes. He made the birds to glide across the sky. God also made animals to fill the land — furry animals, scaly ones, as well as smooth and sleek animals.

Adam and Eve were created from the earth. As our first parents, they were gifted Paradise. They are not to touch the Tree of Knowledge. The Serpent tempts them and God banishes them from the Garden of Eden. The Archangel brings them to the gate.
The prophets foretell the coming of the Holy Child
Adam and Eve sinned, but God’s infinite love is far greater than sin. Yes, man strayed away from God, but God saw to it that at some given moment in time, man would joyfully be reunited with him in the person of Jesus Christ… "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

God promised that a Savior would be born to bring salvation… "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. On those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."

The promise became a hope and the hope became a dream whispered in every land. In the fullness of time, God sent His Son born of a woman… "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory… full of grace and truth."
The Annunciation and the Visitation
The Annunciation: In Nazareth, Mary in a white gown fetches water.

Angel Gabriel appears, "Mary, Mary, the Lord is with you. Don’t be afraid. You have found favor with God. Very soon He will give you a Son and you would call Him Jesus. He would be very great and would be called the Son of God. He will reign over Israel forever and His kingdom will never end."

The angels then crown her and adorn her with many pieces of jewelry to symbolize her virtues.

The Visitation:
Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth, who was also pregnant at that time. Mary knelt before her saying: "May the peace of the Lord descend upon you, Elizabeth and upon your home!"

Elizabeth remarked, "Oh Mary, Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb."

Mary replied, "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior. For He has regarded the humility of His handmaid. And behold, henceforth, all generations shall call me blessed."

Mary remained with Elizabeth until the time came that Elizabeth gave birth to her son.
The little town of Bethlehem
About this time, Caesar Augustus, the Roman emperor, decreed that a census should be taken throughout the nation.

Joseph, the betrothed, accompanies Mary to his town of Bethlehem for the census. Many invisible angels accompany them. There is no more room in the inns. By midnight, they settled down in a manger on the outskirts of town. As Joseph falls asleep, Jesus is born mystically, appearing as a naked Babe in Mary’s arms.

While a magnificent choir of angels envelopes the manger with its heavenly songs, Joseph wakes up. Mary, who has wrapped shivering Jesus in the swaddling cloth she had prepared earlier for Him, hands Him gently to Joseph to hold close and embrace.

The Shepherds and the Kings
: Told by the angels about the Savior’s birth, the peasants in the shepherd’s field pay a visit and bring farm gifts.

The Wise Men from the East came to Jerusalem to inquire (music: Oh Come All Ye Faithful). After they leave, the Star appears to guide them. Actually, they lead a long caravan with their families and servants who have loaded the camels with gifts.
The United Brotherhood of Nations
Students in costumes of different countries join the caravan to greet Our Lord, Our Savior.

Christmas is the celebration of the gift of Emmanuel-God-in-the-world. The vibrancy and excitement of this precious gift become present in us only if we strive to help one another be aware of this in our families.

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