

Who's in charge here? - Gotcha

- Jarius Bondoc -

Are we under undeclared martial law? It would seem so, going by how the AFP brass are treating civilian officials in the Mindanao crisis.

When they called for military action, Basilan's Muslim governor and Catholic bishop said the primary mission should be to free 28 Abu Sayyaf hostages. No problem, said a general, as he moved in with rockets and mortars. When the smoke cleared, four hostages lay dead, 15 were freed but wounded, nine remained unaccounted for. As if he received a different order, the general declared: "We have accomplished our primary mission -- to overrun Abu Sayyaf's main camp."

In Sulu from the start, ARMM Gov. Nur Misuari had told the AFP to stand back so he could move in and negotiate with his former MNLF men who had abducted foreigners. Misuari was Malacañang's head negotiator, yet the AFP ignored him. Noticing he had no clout, the kidnappers refused to entertain him. Presidential adviser Robert Aventajado and Libyan ex-ambassador Abdul Azzarouq flew in to try to get at least one sick hostage out. Soldiers suddenly showed up at the rendezvous with Abu Sayyaf. When the kidnappers broke contact, Aventajado and Azzarouq said troops shouldn't tail them again. But a general replied on TV: "We can't do that. We won't leave the area."

As fighting escalated in Maguindanao and Lanao with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, senators called for immediate accounting of the daily cost of war -- so they can decide whether to support or stop it. AFP chief Gen. Angelo Reyes set the example for all his men to follow in treating high civilian officials: "We will do cost-accounting in due time -- after we finish (the war)."

That generals have seized the initiative from civilian leaders showed when Joseph Estrada waddled into Zamboanga in camouflage wear. "We must put a stop to this long-drawn battle," he exhorted soldiers. Only later did generals brief him that as far as the Lanao-Maguindanao battlefront was concerned, it was the AFP that started the long-drawn battle. If he wanted to put a stop to it, all he had to do as Commander-in-Chief was order the AFP back to barracks.

But it was too late. Generals already had taken command at 6 a.m. of Apr. 28, when they sent tanks, cannons and planes against two little MILF checkpoints on Narciso Ramos Highway. The night before, GRP chief negotiator retired Gen. Edgardo Batenga and MILF vice chairman Ghazali Jaafar had agreed to resume formal peace talks on May 16-17. To prepare for that, they signed a memo stating, among others: "Towards normalizing the situation along the Narciso Ramos Highway . . . (1) for the PNP to take over in ensuring security and law and order at the highway, (2) for GRP and MILF units to remain in their current positions."

Generals have yet to explain why they attacked despite the memo's points: that civilian policemen were to deal with crime, including mulcting by MILF checkpoint guards, and military units were to stay where they are. As soon as he heard about the AFP offensive, Fr. Eliseo Mercado, head of the neutral quick-reaction unit that steps into skirmishes, called Defense Secretary Orly Mercado for answers. The priest almost dropped the phone when the civilian official said he didn't know what was going on either.

It wasn't the first time that generals grabbed the ball from civilian units like the police. Days earlier, PNP chief Ping Lacson had proposed to the Cabinet a commando action instead of military assault to free the Basilan hostages. He offered PNP's Special Action Force for the job. AFP generals pooh-poohed him, and went right on with their assault. It was their chance to cut Lacson down once and for all. They had heard that Estrada was pissed with him for leaving for a Guam conference the week before. Actually, Lacson had Estrada's permission for the trip, but the latter forgot about it. That was enough opening for the generals to squeeze in.

In this game of the generals, government is beginning to look like it's stooping to MILF's level. The secessionists are noted for treachery. The last time they signed a truce in March, they suddenly took over the Kauswagan town hall in Lanao. It was government's turn at treachery this time.

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INTERACTION. Bing Ramos, Hayward, Ca.: Senator Pimentel should have inhibited himself from the PCSO investigation (Gotcha, 13 May 2000). Erap was principal sponsor in his son's wedding. For him to chair the blue ribbon committee and clear First Lady and Mayor Jinggoy only raised eyebrows.

Not his eyebrows, Bing.

Mar A.G., i-next.net: You mean to tell me you expected Pimentel to punish the presidential relatives? C'mon, give me a break.

Go ahead, Mar, blame the messenger, just like they do.

R. de Dios, Lagro, QC: Napocor is losing hundreds of millions of pesos because of its old boys' club. There's a renewed effort at the legal dept. to pay a local firm a settlement of $20 million. This, despite several rejections of settlement made by earlier lawyers who just happen to have retired or been frozen.

Happens all the time, R.

Rene Catal, aol.com: I knew, even before NBI charged policemen who had a shootout with Congressman Asistio's son while busting him for shabu, that there'll be a whitewash. From the start, Ping Lacson distanced himself from his men. Too, a PNP general issued a statement that cops violated the rights of Asistio's son.

Elementary, my dear Watson, er, Rene.

Ched Arzadon, digitelone.com: Mindanao's hostage crisis is disturbing. Christians discipline their erring members, sometimes with excommunication. Abu Sayyaf "defenders" of Muslim faith have put Islam in a bad light with banditry and barbarism. I call on Filipino Muslims to get involved, to pressure Abu Sayyaf. Help Christians understand how it is to be a good Muslim.

Excommunication, you say? Christian barbarians who massacred Muslims in Bosnia still hear Mass, receive Communion. Why, bishops even stop executions of convicted mass-murderers and rapists. The first step to understanding is tolerance, and in searching for our similarities rather than our differences. By the way, Ched, I read about and see on TV everyday Muslim leaders denouncing Abu Sayyaf.

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YOUR BODY. News from the US Food and Drug Administration:

Certified safe and effective for continued use are saline-filled breast implants made by Inamed Inc.'s McGhan Medical Unit and Mentor Corp., the two leading makers of the products.

Recommended for approval is a drug similar to Viagra for impotent men, Uprima (pronounced "you-pree-muh," not "up-ree-muh," he-he-he), made by TAP Pharmaceuticals, with warnings on labels about side effects when taken with alcohol or heart medication.

* * *

YOUR COMPUTER. Reader Dennis Ko of AMA Computer College warns that the LuvBug continues to spread and attack already infected hard drives. It comes in different e-mail subjects, the message and attachment of which you should trash on sight:

* Subject "I Love You" comes with a message, "kindly check attached LOVELETTER coming from me," and the attachment says love-letter-for-you.TXT.vbs.

* Subject "Joke" has no message, just the attachment: VeryFunny.vbs.

* Subject "Virus Alert!!" contains a long message that pretends to be info from Symantec Corp. about VBS/Love Letter.worm. Its attachment says protect.vbs.

* Subj.: "Dangerous Virus Warning." Message: "There is a dangerous virus circulating. Please click attached picture to view and learn to avoid it." Attachment: virus_warning.jpg.vbs.

* Subj.: "Important! Read carefully!" Message (sic): "Checked the attached IMPORTANT coming from me!" Attachment: important.TXT.vbs.

* Subj.: "Mothers Day order confirmation." Message: "We have proceeded to charge your credit card for the amount of $326.92 for the mothers day diamond special. We have attached a detailed invoice to this e-mail. Please print out the attachment and keep it in a safe place. Thanks again and have a Happy Mothers Day." Attachment: mothersday.vbs.

* Subj.: "Susitikim shi vakara kavos puodukui." Message: "Kindly check attached love letter from me." Attachment: love-letter-for-you.TXT.vbs.

Curiosity killed the cat. Don't be tempted to open such messages and attachments. If infected, try McAfee Viruscan, version 4.0.35 or higher. Other cures: extra.dat from www.mcafee.com or SWAT.exe from Trend Micro.

* * *

You can e-mail comments to [email protected] or, if about his daily morning radio editorials, to [email protected]

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