For the 4th time, GMA a grandma

VATICAN (via PLDT) — President Arroyo will become a grandmother for the fourth time, as her daughter-in-law, Maria Victoria or "Kakai," is two months pregnant.

Maria Victoria, wife of the President and First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo’s second son, Diosdado "Dato" Ignacio, was blessed by Pope Benedict XVI as members of the First Family met with the Holy Father for the first time here yesterday.

Diosdado himself was blessed by the Pope when he was in his mother’s womb, and so was he and Maria Victoria’s first daughter, Eva Victoria ("Evie") when Maria Victoria was pregnant with Evie during the First Family’s audience with Pope John Paul II here in 2003.

The First Gentleman shared the good news during a brief chat with reporters during the presidential flight to Rome: "So it’s Dato’s line that always gets blessed by the Pope," the First Gentleman said.

According to Mr. Arroyo, Kakai is two months into her pregnancy and First Family members are very happy about it.

Evie is traveling with the President and was seen and heard playing with Malacañang staff and Presidential Security Group members during the 14-hour flight to the Vatican City in Rome.

Her joyful screaming and laughter broke the silence and boredom during the long flight.

The First Couple’s two other granddaughters are Michaela Gloria and Monique, daughters of Pampanga Rep. Juan Miguel "Mikey" Arroyo and Angela Montenegro-Arroyo. — Aurea Calica

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