

19,268 Makati residents get free, unlimited dialysis

Nillicent Bautista - The Philippine Star
19,268 Makati residents get free, unlimited dialysis
Mayor Abby Binay
Ernie Penaredondo

MANILA, Philippines — The city government of Makati has provided free and unlimited dialysis services to 19,268 yellow card holders since 2020, Mayor Abby Binay said yesterday.

She said the health program has provided over 166,000 sessions to beneficiaries since it was launched in 2020.

“In Makati, we prioritize the health of our citizens above all. Our unlimited dialysis program is structured to ensure that no resident is deprived of necessary care due to financial constraints,” Binay said.

Under the program, yellow card holders do not have to pay for dialysis sessions as the city government shoulders the remaining balance not covered by the Philippine Health Insurance Corp.

Binay said the program underscores the value of the yellow card in reducing the financial hardship of residents who need dialysis.

She noted that Makati also provides free chemotherapy sessions to cancer patients at the city-run Ospital ng Makati.

The city government also offers free maintenance medicines, check-ups and laboratory procedures.

Non-yellow card holders and non-residents may also avail themselves of free consultations.

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