QCPD treats ‘rescued’ beggars to feeding program

MANILA, Philippines — Over 220 beggars rounded up in the streets of Quezon City will be treated today to a feeding program, a police official announced yesterday.

National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) chief Director Guillermo Eleazar said they have invited contestants from Miss Philippines to join the event at the Quezon City Police District (QCPD) headquarters at Camp Karingal.

“We would give them meals before they are sent home,”Eleazar said in an interview.

The NCRPO has sought the help of transport companies to provide the beggars, mostly Aetas and Badjaos, free transportation.

In coordination with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), the NCRPO started last week the roundup of mendicants to clear the streets of Metro Manila during the holidays.

Eleazar said the campaign also aims to prevent street children and beggars from being victims of vehicular accidents.

“These Aetas and Badjaos are begging for alms on the streets not minding their safety,” he said.

“We also received reports that some of them destroyed the side mirror of vehicles whose drivers or owners failed to give them alms.”

Members of the QCPD and the Manila Police District have rescued 224 beggars since Dec. 11.

The Southern Police District rescued 68; Eastern Police District, 16, and the Northern Police District, three.

The mendicants were turned over to the local DSWD offices.

According to Eleazar, the roundup of beggars in the metropolis would continue until New Year.             

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