German couple pleads for safe release in RMN radio interview

ZAMBOANGA City - The German couple being held by the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) has appealed anew to his country's government to work for their safe release.

Hostages Dr. Stefan Viktor Okonek, 74, and his wife Henrike Dielen, 55, made their latest appeal last Saturday during an interview over local radio DXRZ of Radio Mindanao Network (RMN).

The interview was aired only on Monday.

The German couple were on holiday aboard their yacht when they were seized by the Abu Sayyaf militants near Rio Tubataha off Palawan province, last April. The couple was then brought by the bandits to their lair in Sulu.

The victims expressed concern over their health conditions, citing that the bandits are not giving them medicine.

Okonek said he is already experiencing difficulty in walking and that his condition continues to deteriorate each day.

“I have not gotten any medicine and my situation here is not better than before. I’m very weak and I’m imprisoned. I cannot do the right thing… It’s a terrible situation,” Okonek said during the interview.

Okonek said the bandits only give them steamed rice for food.

"I came here for a holiday but on the contrary of having a holiday this is what I experienced now and I beg my government and I beg the people of the Philippines to try all to get me and my wife free,” Okonek said.

Dielen said she already misses her family and wish to stay with them in Germany.

She also described their situation and the condition of her husband while they are being heavily guarded by the bandits.

“I tried keeping him away from everything and he is sleeping a lot and I try to keep him covered and warm and that’s all I can do,” Dielen said.

“Same like with my husband I hope they do everything they can to secure our release as soon as possible because we’re really worse everyday,” she added.

The Abu Sayyaf group last week issued an ultimatum until October 17 for the Philippine and German governments to comply with their demand of P250 million and for Berlin to drop its support to the US airstrike against the Islamic state of Iraq and Syria.

The group has threatened to executve the couple if their demands are not met.

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