Cloud seeding fails to raise Angat Dam’s water level

MALOLOS CITY, Philippines – Despite continuous cloud seeding operations and heavy rains, the wa™ter level at the Angat Dam in Bulacan continued to drop in the past five days.

Records show that the water level at the dam dropped to 174.29 meters at 6 a.m. yesterday, lower by .54 meter compared to the 174.83 meters recorded on Friday.

Friday’s water level dropped by .53 meter compared to Thursday’s 175.36 meters, which dropped by .40 from 175.76 meter on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, the dam’s water level was 176.03 meters, which dropped by .23 meter from Monday’s 176.26. 

Rodolfo German, general manager of the Angat River Hydro Electric Power Plant (ARHEPP), said cloud seeding operation over Angat Dam has completed about 25-flight hours.

German said cloud seeding operation combined with late afternoon thunderstorms failed to improve the water level at Angat Dam, which supplies 97 percent of Metro Manila’s water needs. 

German said increased allocation to Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System concessionaires was one of the causes of the rapid drop in the water level.

However, he said that water allocation to MWSS would be back to 41 cubic meters tomorrow.


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