Driver spares UST student from charges after hold-up

MANILA, Philippines - A nursing student was released from detention Wednesday after allegedly mugging a taxi driver in Quezon City on Monday night.

PO3 Spartacus Pareja said in a radio report, Emman Paul Bonita's parents pleaded with taxi driver Ronald Quintero who then decided not to press charges against the 19-year-old.

Pareja said Bonita took P3,500 from Quintero after threatening him with a knife while driving along N. Domingo St. in Cubao.

Bonita, a third year nursing student, rents a unit in Sampaloc, Manila, where he lost the money in an online gambling outlet.

The suspect was arrested by police right after he got off the vehicle.

Pareja said that Quintero managed to contact the cops to report the incident. - Camille Diola

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