Reds snatch village exec

BUTUAN CITY, Philippines – Suspected New People’s Army (NPA) guerrillas briefly took hostage some 70 men in Loreto, Agusan del Sur and kidnapped a barangay councilor the other day.

Reports reaching the Caraga police regional office here said the gunmen, in full battle gear, stormed Barangay Sta. Teresa at dawn and ordered all male residents to gather at the Loreto Cental Elementary School.

The gunmen questioned each man and hogtied barangay councilman Edgar Bantuasan on suspicion that he was an informant of the military.

The armed men demanded the withdrawal of the police and military troops in the area in exchange for Bantuasan’s  release.

The gunmen reportedly threatened to kill the residents if they continue supporting government forces.

The police and the military launched an operation to rescue the village official while the town government created a crisis management committee to handle the situation.            


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