Two victims in Benguet tour bus crash still critical

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – Two survivors of the fatal Benguet highway smash-up between a tourist bus and an 18-wheeler truck last week are still in critical condition at the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center.

As of Tuesday morning, Joanna Pisara and Florelyn Zulueta were still at the Special Intensive Care Unit of the hospital while bus driver Roger Albayade, students Shery May Rufugo, 18 and Almar Reginio, 19 are all being observed at the Surgery Ward of the said hospital.

“We are glad she is OK now,”  the teary-eyed mother of Rufugo said.

Rufugo whose face was scarred from the strong impact of the mishap that killed six of her classmates and an alternate driver, can already speak.

“Parang hindi pa rin ako makapaniwala,” said Rufugoy's mother, Joy.

Rescuer Rafael Valencia of the 911-on-call group, who personally plucked out Rufugo from the pile of bodies inside the bus, said the 18-year-old tourism student was unconscious when she was brought to the hospital.

The young Rufugo who woke up the day after the accident is due for transfer to the hospital's Eyes, Ears, Nose and Tongue (EENT) section for follow check-up on her facial condition.

The elder Rufugo who was also with her husband Sancho traveling all the way from Marinduque after finding out from a relative of one of the student-survivors through a text message sighed with a relief that their daughter was saved.

Mrs. Rufugo said she is grieving for the other victims who weren’t so lucky like her daughter.

A case is being readied against the bus firm, its owner and the driver -- Roger Albayalde -- who is also badly injured and is being treated just a few feet from the three student survivors at the surgery ward.

“Kung 'yan ang kailangan para mapanagutan ng bus company ang trahedya,” Joy Rufugo agreed.

Nineteen-year-old Almar Reginio, whose face was also damaged by the smash-up, said he was already feeling fine. He said he is just waiting for several other check-ups before he is discharged.

Reginio who was sitting at the bus’ back row seats was thrown to the front of the bus, an indication of the impeact of the collision.

Police said that the descending bus along the tricky bend in Sitio Bontiway, Barangay Poblacion in Tuba, overtook another vehicle when it smashed head on to the truck.

“I was unconscious for several hours,” said Reginio.

Reginio said while still in Baguio City from La Trinidad on that fateful night, they were already informed that the bus was experiencing problems and they may be transferred to another bus when they reached Manila.

“Kaso, din na kami umabot,” he said.

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