Impose moratorium on field trips, Angara urges CHED

MANILA, Philippines - Sen. Edgardo Angara has called on the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to impose a moratorium on field trips following a bus accident in Tuba, Benguet that claimed the lives of several students and faculty members of Marinduque State College (MSC).

Thirty-one tourism students and two teachers from MSC, including two tour guides, were on the Baguio leg of a three-day Manila-Ilocos-Baguio educational tour, when the driver lost control of the bus, causing it to ram two other vehicles last Thursday night.

Seven fatalities have since been reported, with those hurt still hospitalized at the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center due to critical injuries.

“Our prayers are with the families of those who figured in this tragic accident,” said Angara, chairman of the Senate committee on education, arts and culture.

“But this kind of field trip, though it may help domestic tourism, does not necessarily help the study of tourism,” he said.

Angara said such educational tours are often expensive, costing an average of P5,000 to P10,000 per student.

He added that trips to hotels, restaurants and other hospitality institutions within the province or region of the school can still provide educational value to tourism students.  

“Field trips must be conducted without endangering the lives of students and imposing high financial burden on their families. I urge CHED to issue a moratorium until a more reasonable set of criteria for allowing such trips (is devised),” said Angara, a former president of the University of the Philippines.             

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