Heists still on in Baler despite crime watchdog

BALER, Aurora ,Philippines  – Robbers have struck again in this province, victimizing a couple and an owner of a printing shop, virtually mocking a newly set-up citizens’ anti-crime watchdog formed to stem the rash of heists.

The latest victims were Rolando Lelis and his wife who had just closed their grocery store at the Baler public market and were walking toward the gate when an armed man declared a holdup.

The robber grabbed Mrs. Lelis’ bag and took P200,000 in cash, a cellular phone and other personal belongings, and fled.

A few days before, thieves broke into the Bluereds tarpaulin and t-shirt printing shop in Barangay Suklayin and carted away the owner’s laptop and an undetermined amount of cash.

The twin incidents came on the heels of the formation of an anti-crime watchdog to stem the spate of robberies, holdups and break-ins.

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